Shower Scene

In the shower scene, the naked person is it really Carmen Maura`s body?


No, it's a body double. I can't refer you to a source on this one, but it's common knowledge here in Spain.


Thanks a lot


No, she's the real Carmen Maura, Alex De La Iglesia said it a lot of times like in the DVD commentaries for example.


It's a little hard to believe a mid-50's woman would have a body like that. It seemed fairly obvious that it was a body double considering they never showed a full body shot, just either below the waist or above the waist.



I don´t believe that Carmen Maura is the woman in the shower! It´s a body double by far!!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


A woman in her mid-50s can indeed have a body like that. My mother is 60 and she has the body of a 45 yo woman and she never made any effort to "take care of herself" other than walking the dog 30-45min/day. As her daughter, I'm both proud and a little jealous because I instead inherited my father's physically inferior genes.

ANYWAY, that is not really the point. The point is that I agree with the doubters who think a body double was used. The lower body that we saw in the shower just didn't match Carmen's upper half. The skin texture was totally different too. It's pretty obvious that the lower half belonged to someone else. I don't hold that against Carmen Maura at all - if I were given a choice of body double, I'd also choose someone with a better body too!

One can even argue that the shower scene was seen through the Star Wars nerd's perspective. Despite her age, he saw her as an attractive, desirable woman so maybe in his reality, that is just how her body looks.
