Okay. I missed a couple of things...

One: What was the purpose of the belly dancer? I mean, I kept thinking she was gonna collapse and suddenly she'd have swapped legs with Sam or something but no. She appeared to have no purpose

Two: What happened to the "I wish someone would kiss me like that" girl. She just dissapeared. Please tell me if I'm wrong.

Three: We never saw the result of "killer sex". Maybe I missed it.

Please point out if I'm wrong and missed it.

Or whether the director/writers were just lazy.



1). The belly dancer was there just for the atmosphere or mood. A dancer is a sharp contrast with a cripple.

2). We don't see, but its likely that people continued to kiss her nonstop to the point of torture. She might have died from suffocation, as she does say, "I wouldn't hold my breath" after the Djinn's remark.

3). The killer sex girl died. You see her expression turn from pleasurable to grimace when she is pressed against the wall.
