MovieChat Forums > The Anniversary Party (2001) Discussion > Why this movie is incredibly annoying

Why this movie is incredibly annoying

1. All the characters are whining yuppies who should get themselves some real problems.

2. Alan Cumming, whether in film or in real life, is one of the most singularly smarmy and intolerable people on the planet earth. Every man with a valid male gender union card should beat the crap out of him on principle alone (because he's an aggressive wuss).

I kept wishing during this film that Charlie Manson would show up to the party and carve them all to pieces.

That is all.


i liked it, but it was hard to get past two things.... things that annoyed me

1. all they kept talking about was the *beep* dog, or the crazy neighbors

2.the little talent show type thing... i guess it was kinda like their presents... but it got on my nerves! and i didnt get the point of it!

Alcohol ads promote drinking...


I agree 100%!!!


everyone was too self important. it did make me want to try ecsasy, though!


It made me want to get high too. Sweet sweet memories.

You can't come in here, this is my mastabatorium!


Thank you!

I thought I was the only person who didn't like this film.
and you hit the nail on the head with the discription of
the characters, they annoyed the hell out of me.

The only film I liked Alan Cummings in was Circle of friends. and maybe
Spy Kids.


I've never seen a movie with such annoying and spazzy eye blinking. For sheer number of eye blinks: this movie must hold the record.
Every character, in every shot: Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink.
Maybe if they purchased some Bausch and Lomb eye drops at their local Rite Aid they would:
1) Stop blinking their eyes like unrepentant spazzes
2) Be able to see clearly how insanely dull they are


This is the kind of movie you will either love or hate. The same goes for Alan Cummings. I loved it. These are wealthy, famous, artsy people. Of course they will have different problems and goals than you and me. Yet the movie is filled with problems we all share. Neighbor relations. Aging. Careers. A lost dog. Children. Distrust of 'other women'. If you can't relate to these people, you aren't looking very deeply.
And you've never been to a party were people performed? I'm a musician, and it happens regularly.
We can see many issues here that these actors face in real life. I'm guessing there are many other references that go over our heads, too.
Personally, I laughed with these people, and cried with them. I thought it was a realistic slice of life. Maybe not MY life, but someone's...


So here you are saying every "real" man should want to beat the crap out of someone, and then in another post you're making a homophobic slur and saying that you "had to" pretend to like this movie because your date liked it. You have some serious aggression and self-esteem issues, and many long years of therapy in front of you. I hope you seek help sooner rather than later.


I wanted to like this film because of the cast of actors. But I didn't like any of the characters, I found them annoying, although I could see how they were portraying realistic individuals. I just wanted the film to end already.
