Penis song.....

I've watched this movie on TV a bunch of times, & also bought the DVD ages ago because I enjoyed this movie so much. You can't go wrong with the combination of beautiful women & romantic comedy. I'd definitely rate this movie in my top 10 favorite movie list, & certainly the best comedy I've ever seen. Earlier this year I had picked up the movie for the PSP handheld, I just got around to watching it, & to my surprise there was extra footage on it, my mouth dropped hearing & viewing the penis song clip. Man, just when I thought the movie couldn't get better it does, that was some funny stuff. I decided to check the message board to see if the song had been discussed, after reading the boards I must say I wish I had known there were two different versions of this movie released, if I had known what I know now I would have gotten the unrated version. Well, at least I got to experience this song on my PSP. I wish there had been a sequel to this movie.....That would've been sweeet.

~Kylie Minogue


I am watching the "penis song" on tv at this very moment... It was funny the first 30 seconds, but later it just got disturbing... maybe I'm getting old!... oh well, to each its own...


You're too big to fit in here!




since when is this song cut from airing? the song is even showed, when the movie airs at 2 pm

do you live in the US?


Watching this movie right now on HBO. They did NOT play the penis song. I am in the US.



Netflix ....


"The Penis Song" makes the movie way more funny. They cut it in the original, theatrical release. You have to watch the Unrated version, which is on DVD. You can also search for "The Penis Song" on YouTube!


It was uncut in the original UK theatrical release.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


I just watched it on NetFlix this weekend; the song is in it.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."



it's clearly just the "i'm too sexy" song with different lyrics. maybe they didn't have the rights to that song for the theatrical release.


It's supposed to be that song, but with different words. The idea is that it was entirely impromptu, and the other customers in the diner were only able to join in because they recognised the song and understood what the main characters were doing with it. In this way, it aims to be more realistic than a musical, where all the cast suddenly and inexplicably know the music to an entirely original song.

That said, this scene was awful, and watching it was the worst thing that's ever happened to my face.


i just tried watching this on Netflix and felt it was...meh- UNTIL the Penis Song at which point I just became too embarrassed for everyone involved in this (including myself, the viewer). Had to turn it off after that bit of idiocy.


The penis song was one of the worst and most embarrassingly cringey things I've ever witnessed. The whole thing was pretty awful.


u can say that again.


It is the other side of "He has a tiny" you-know-what. It is so common for people to criticize guys for being small but in fact being big is often a problem. I apologize for being explicit but it is just so common to hear people criticize guys for being the opposite of what the song is about. It would be better for people to not say anything about size.


I find the song hilarious but hate the way it feels a bit shoehorned into the movie, and them loudly making orgasmic sounds in the middle of the restaurant at lunch was odd!

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


I couldn't stop laughing when that part came up, but they don't put it on TV in the US, at least not on most channels.


I don't see any relevance of the song to the story. The song would be much more meaningful if it had significant relevance to the story.
