Germany's Suicide

I believe that Angela Merkel, like many Germans, is so wracked with guilt over the holocaust that she wants to see her country destroyed, and for Germans to suffer at the hands of an oppressor. It's the only explanation I can think of for her mass importing a culture with prominent elements that are openly hostile to Western peoples, willing to kill them, rape their women, and gradually take control of their institutions.

If she were merely opening the doors to Syrian refugees then one could see her as a humanitarian, but the enormous injection of economic migrants, many of whom holding intolerant values not dissimilar to the Nazis, and a few eager to start terrorising infidels right away, will cause much death and suffering of her people - a fate she seems to have decided they deserve.

German people and their culture are, today, beacons of decency and progress. Such a tragedy that their leader has decided to punish them for the crimes of their ancestors. Perhaps clutching her soon to be awarded Nobel Peace Prize will help her sleep.


Better get right to carry and stand your ground laws there fast!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


Won't happen, and would sadly only unleash the possibilities for mass shootings that we see in the U.S. only far worse considering the simmering groundswell of jihadists across Europe.


I don't agree with everything that you wrote, but I believe that there is a point inside your post.

Angela Merkel and many others of her generation are openly rebellious against the German past. They don't want to be associated with mass murder, militarism, colonialism, oppression, and other excesses of the old regimes (not just the nazis). Therefore, they are sometimes excessively leftist to the point of ridiculousness. It is not so much atonement for sins of the past, but a lack of confidence in the nation's past integrity. Leftist ideology fills the void left by this lack of confidence. The German basic law implemented during the occupation was deliberately designed to be liberal with regard to immigration and self expression as to discourage a return to far right ideology, militarism, and/or nationalist extremism. Not all German citiizens buy into this thinking, however.

Angela Merkel does not want to depart from this tradition. Plus, she is old. She is going to do the same thing that she would have done during the 1970s because that's where people of her age set formed their self identities and worldviews. The U.S. has this problem as well, and they keep picking fights with Russia and talk belligerently about Chinese containment just because they can't perceive that the world has changed no matter what facts are presented to them. They don't form new ideas because they can't. Thought patterns change as the brain ages, and this causes dangers when you have a gerontocracy. This "ossified thinking" is actually a huge phenomenon that influences global politics all the time in many nations.

Back to the point: Angela Merkel actually caused an international disaster. If Germany wanted to bring in refugees, their government should have interviewed asylum candidates on a case by case basis. Merkel chose to grandstand to show PEGIDA and other nationalist movements that leftism is here to stay, so she told all the young men of the Middle East to come on down. Now you have a major humanitarian crisis, and yet Time Magazine has named her person of the year. Actually it looks like Germany is controlling the situation by sending people back if they are not from a war zone. I also know that war refugees normally can't stay in Germany after the conflict ends. Many Bosnians were expelled in the late 1990s.

Also, Germany has too many old people. Merkel and her numerous ilk did not have many or sometimes any children, but lived for themselves in self righteous arrogance. Now Germany is full of people who need lots of pensions and medical care, but are continuously less productive in the workforce due to age and its effects. Old people also just don't spend money like the young. They need the young middle eastern men to come in and spend their money they earn so that the economy doesn't start to shrink. This is a major problem in many nations, however.


Good points. It's insane to think the new arrivals will be anything other than a bigger welfare drain, and import their cultural misogyny, homophobia and, in a twisted irony, anti-semitism. If Merkel was a parent herself she may have paused before condemning Germany's children to this cultural rot, and the horrific mass murder that always comes with it (as France and Belgium are currently enjoying).

As I understand it, the hoards of migrants that have settled in Europe will eventually be granted citizenship. When Turkey joins the EU, as Merkel and co intend, the Islamic infiltration will accelerate beyond control, and I predict civil wars across Europe. Host populations will vote in further right governments to deal with the problem, and it will get even uglier.

The left's failure to deal, and in some cases climb in bed, with radical Islam will leave bloody wounds on the once great continent of Europe, from which she may never recover.


I don't specifically remember the details, but Europe cultivated lots of ties with the Arab world in the 1970s because it was an area that those governments could economically dominate. The USA had Latin America and East Asia in its fold, and had something of a decent working relationship with China after the 1970s. The Soviet Union had Eastern/Central Europe, Cuba, Vietnam, many African countries, and (too a more limited extent) India in its sphere of influence. Western European governments saw the Middle East as their own backyard. They encouraged these ties.

Also, there are many problems with bringing in lots of foreigners into an established area that have very little to do with religion. When people segregate into separate ethnic groups yet live together, problems and resentments often arise. Just ask the Irish and the Belgians about this. Also, bringing rural and/or uneducated people into industrialized cities en masse is a recipe for trouble. This is a lot of what broke down Syria from within. If somebody can't read or speak any language well, and they don't have anything more than simple math skills, how can you teach that person to program computers or manage a store? You can't drive a bus or cook in a restaurant if you can't read. Most nations have their own semiliterate, uneducated populations who need these jobs anyway. People who have spent the first 20-35 years of their life herding horses or planting seeds in the ground, but not studying any other kind of skill are poor candidates for relocation. They are usually not going to make much money in an urban area. They are not going to be able to live as others do. This situation gets worse when they have no family ties in an area. They are going to become marginalized and vulnerable. They are going to turn to crime and (in the case of islamic immigrants) radicalism, and then you have ghetto conditions developing and terrorist activity rearing its ugly head.

The Europeans are not being smart about who they let in. Regardless of background, relocating overseas is definitely not for everyone. The ignorant and the truly uneducated of the rural or undeveloped third world cannot get along well in an industrialized, high tech society. Like the older generation before them, even younger adults stop often learning well after a certain point in their lives. They certainly lose their ability to learn new academic and work skills, and to adapt to new environments.


The Europeans are not being smart about who they let in

you have to understand we, europeans we no more live in democracies.
if you ask germans and frenchs they will tell you they dont want that !(they are countless poll about that in newspapers, tv etc.. that clearly show we dont want massive immigration) french in 2005 were asked to be part of the EU, they said NO in an official referendum, but the presidents of each countries dont care at all about what the people vote and so they meet each other and sign treaties that their own people dont want! Hence you have a lots of people turning to the far right. civil war is what's coming . Merkels, sarkozy and now Holland they are all for it are their bosses are people from bruxell who arent elected at all and their only goal is capitalism. They want all the migrants because they can work for less and germany for instance needs lots of cheap worker. they even have a 1euro/hour jobs !
it seems UK will be out of this *beep* of European Union no people want ( well except maybe people from poor countries from the east europe ( slovakia, czeck , polonia...) because they are really poor and we give them billions each year.)
So please really understand we, people, dont want at all what goverments do in our backs.

Imagine your president tomorrow says, Brazil, Mexico and whatever are going to be states of the US, and that's it you just shut up and of course we need money so you can forget about your retirement pension and all.. that's what is happening over here.. Many intellectuals are very pessimistic and most predict wars if governments keep acting like that.


You idiot...the fact that you would even say anything about the US...the nation that protects Europe. Our NATO European loving allies cannot even spend 2% of their budget on their military so we have to spend 20% of our budget to protect Europe. Putin in Ukraine? Who does Merkel call first? Who? President Obama. I am tired of taking care of Europe militarily and economically and then listening to their stupid ass *beep* about the US. The US is the only major power that HAS NOT INVADED ANOTHER NATION AND TAKEN THEIR TERRITORY IN OVER A another first world power that can say that...JUST ONE *beep* can't. Not even ONE. Yes, the US saved Europe TWICE and saved Asia from communist takeover and yes, the US now is allies with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and India...ALL NATIONS OF WHICH ARE CURRENTLY IN DISPUTES WITH CHINA (that super huge economy that is going to catch up to the US, beware, beware, that lost 20% of its value this year) because China is trying to take both territorial land and waters that belong to other nations! Russia doe this, China does this...does the US? NO! So how the hell, especially also with China and Russia's human rights record can you even compare Russia and China to the US? You are an uneducated moron.


Should those fleeing certain death also be punished? Is this the first time in history a country has had it's citizens flee because of a genocide/civil war?

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .
