MovieChat Forums > The Pianist (2003) Discussion > Any Pro Hitler Movies?

Any Pro Hitler Movies?

Of course Hollywood and everyone hates Hitler for the massacre of Jews etc and one can see numerous movies on this issue. My personal favorite is 'Life is beautiful'.
However, to reach to the extent of killing people, ill treating them without showing any mercy, Nazis must had unprecedented anger against Jews. Is there any movie on the rise of hitler, the versai treaty and falling economy of germany post WW I and before WWII ? (Please do not suggest documentaries)


Here's an idea: try reading some history books. There are no "pro-Hitler" movies that meet your specifications (not a documentary). Nobody in their right mind would make one.


I don't think you mean pro-Hitler so much as you mean a movie that depicts the conditions that led to Hitler's rise to power. That would actually make for a very good film.


Yes, but they tend to be hot girls and outer space.

Good luck with finding "pro-Hitler" movies. Start by Googling "propaganda". And just in case English is your second language, I suggest you get your s--t together. My favorite was you adding "etc." to "everyone hates Hitler for the massacre of Jews etc".

If you honestly mean history, then look up one of the hundreds of documentaries on History Channel and Netflix.

Oh wait, have you seen Inglorious Bastards yet? You'll love the ending, d--k.




Good luck with finding "pro-Hitler" movies. Start by Googling "propaganda". And just in case English is your second language, I suggest you get your s--t together. My favorite was you adding "etc." to "everyone hates Hitler for the massacre of Jews etc".

I like how you think that Jews can remain impartial and make objective unbiased films depicting National Socialist Germany.


a movie that depicts the conditions that led to Hitler's rise to power. That would actually make for a very good film.

I agree, but any attempt would be so watered down it would lose its relevance. It would have to be made in a country without an ax to grind(yes, still). Maybe Brazil? They have made some damn good films in recent years.

If they showed the factual way Hitler came to power it would make US and UK look like the huge a$$holes they are.


If you want to know about the conditions which lead to Hitler's rise, I suggest you tune in to the "American Heros Channel" which used to be the "Military Channel", has a number of nazi films or series that depict what happened to Germany after their surrender at the end of WWI. Quite fascinating, actually. These include most of Hitler's activities from the time he left the Army until he shot himself in 1945.


He's looking for a neutral perspective. About as good as you are going to get is "Downfall" which is more of the end of Hitler's power than anything else, shown from the view of his secretary. Truth is nobody knows for sure what was going through his head, read some psychological profiles if you want. Nobody thinks they are the bad guys. All you really have to do is read a synopsis on WW1 and 2 for your answers, the treaty of Versailles.


>He's looking for a neutral perspective.

He literally asked for "Pro Hitler Movies."


"Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" - Hannah Arendt.

It is probably the most sympathetic view of the Third Reich and the Holocaust.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


As other posters have commented, we think you mean to say: "Are there any films, etc. that explain Hitler's rise to power and/or the historical times?" Have you read Albert Speer's own memoir about his experiences becoming "Hitler's architect?" He discusses the mood of the times and the terrible hyper-inflation that destroyed the fortunes of so many families and meant that a great deal of young men were not able to go to college and so on. These men were angry and looking for a group to join and someone to blame. Many Germans were exceptionally bitter about WWI and its outcome. A film that is actually about WWI in Germany but shows the devastating effects of propaganda and then real combat is All Quiet on the Western Front. The film was released in 1930, and it features some of the best film combat in history. The presentation of machine gun fire (brand new in war at the time and devastating to men on both sides of the gun for different reasons) is astonishing even now. And it is amazingly prescient in that a few years later Germany would be plunging right back into world war. The film contains some of the most famous scenes in "war film" history.

The 2002 film Max (John Cusack and Noah Taylor) shows a "young, struggling" Hitler as he was trying to make it as an artist and becoming more and more angry as he failed as an artist. Cusack plays a Jewish art dealer who tries to help him to no avail. The film could have been much better but at least it tries to engage with the earlier era.

"I love those redheads!" (Wooderson, Dazed and Confused, 1993)


Are you joking or serious. You admire and like the most evil man in the history of Earth. A man who lead his country in too utter ruin and directly and indirectly lead to the deaths of over 100 million people probably. Not to mention the almost extermination of the Ashkenazi Jewish race.

You are one sick little kid.

Yes the WW1 treaty was too harsh on Germany but then again they started WW1. In the end most of Germany was reduced to rumble by American and British planes and tanks. All the great historical cities on Germany were utterly destroyed and I am very happy for that.
I only wish we did not A-bomb them a few dozen times through. Only regret.


Yes, he is to be admired because he was a strategic genius. What makes him so much worse than say, Alexander the Great or Napoleon, you think there was no genocide in their conquests? What makes Hitler so much worse that he deserves to be labeled the worst (war) criminal in history, while the aforementioned have statues raised in their honor? Just because he killed more people? Is the value of human life in numbers?
And no, Germany didn't start WW1, Austria-Hungary did and the treaties that were unduly imposed on Germany could only have resulted in war, and the Allies knew it. You also judge Hitler for committing genocide but then you say you're glad Germany got bombed to dust? Makes so much sense.

Most people are stupid, so by pure logic, the most popular opinion is most likely wrong. History is written by the victors, just open your mind a little. I think the ends justify the means no matter the cost, so from my point of view, he was right because after he succeeded, the world would be united (and that's coming from a member of one of the "lesser" races whose country also suffered a lot under the Nazis). Instead, today we live in this cesspool of lies dominated by the symbiosis of capitalism and communism which, slowly, leads nowhere but ruin. And how many people will die in the coming wars because Hitler was unsuccessful?


up until your last, bat crap crazy paragraph, you convinced me that you had made a decent argument for hitler sympathy.


I thought the whole of his argument was bat crap crazy.

You can't compare Hitler to Alexander and Napoleon. Different times different values. The Nazis were around at a time when the notion of human rights existed and they should have known better. Better off comparing Hitler to Stalin.

the treaties that were unduly imposed on Germany could only have resulted in war, and the Allies knew it

This is one of the few pieces of Nazi propaganda which still gets currency.

You also judge Hitler for committing genocide but then you say you're glad Germany got bombed to dust?

Everybody bombed civilian targets in WW2 - it was the acceptable norm for the times and there were no international conventions against it.
Rounding up people on the basis of race and shooting and gassing them was not a norm for the times and was expressly forbidden by the laws of Germany at the time and international conventions.


Care to elaborate to me as to why the last paragraph is just so "crazy"?

You say my whole argument is crazy and then you proceed to try and argue with a crazy person. Good going.

You can't compare Hitler to Alexander and Napoleon. Different times different values. The Nazis were around at a time when the notion of human rights existed and they should have known better.

Yes, I can, because they are practically mass murderers who are being glorified up to this day.

This is one of the few pieces of Nazi propaganda which still gets currency.

If you say so.

Everybody bombed civilian targets in WW2 - it was the acceptable norm for the times and there were no international conventions against it.
Rounding up people on the basis of race and shooting and gassing them was not a norm for the times and was expressly forbidden by the laws of Germany at the time and international conventions.

So if someone killed even more people than Hitler while using methods and reasons that are within "acceptable norms", then it's okay?
Regardless, I was referring to the previous poster's hypocrisy. To him, Hitler is evil for killing lots of people, but then he says he's glad that lots of German people got killed.


I think the ends justify the means no matter the cost, so from my point of view, he was right because after he succeeded, the world would be united

That's self-evidently, bat-crap crazy bro.


Not to me, that's why I asked you to elaborate.


Most of the "great" ones justified their conquests (which involved a lot of killing) with uniting the world under a single nation.
I'm not saying Hitler was a good person (far from it), but Alexander, Napolean, Julius Ceasar, etc are the same as him.


you all suck at logic. Go home.


Well you can't deny that "history is written by the victors" as he said. I've lived and studied in different countries and I can tell you they don't teach the same history. From a country to another, the same event can be considered as utter barbarity or heroic resistance.

History is not an exact science, events are subject to interpretation and moral judgement and numbers are constantly disputed. But one thing is certain, history is largely based on conquest and mass murder. The 20th century simply had more technology, so the numbers were greater, but the process was no different. There's no reason why Hitler should not be compared with all the despots in history. It's just that the history we study in the West was written to portray him as the one and only incarnation of Satan himself.


It's just that the history we study in the West was written to portray him as the one and only incarnation of Satan himself.

There is nothing objectively wrong with such a portrayal of Hitler. Nazism was actually far worse than the attitudes and activities of the West at that time - surprisingly far worse than the institutional racism and colonialism which led to the death of millions.

To compare Hitler to Alexander and Napoleon is a pointless exercise which smacks of Hitler appologism. As I clearly said, different times different ethics. Are we to condemn Washington because he didn't release his slaves immediately? Perhaps we should - slavery is a crime these days.

As I said (and as others have pointed out), if you want serious debate, take a look at Stalin.


You don't see my point, and I refute your accusation of "Hitler apologism". I'll give you an example: I can easily understand why a Polish Jew, whose family was massacred by Nazism, would consider Hitler as the worst evil to ever set foot on the face of the Earth. But he has absolutely no right whatsoever to impose that view on others. There's no reason why a Cambodian who has never seen a Nazi, but whose family was decimated by Pol Pot's regime, should feel the same way. Or why a South African who has lived under Apartheid should feel the same way. etc. etc. you get the point (hopefully). That's just a very narrow view of History which claims to put on a pedestal one suffering over all the others. I deeply respect that suffering, but just as much as all the others, in all places and through all periods. I see no reason why it should be more important.


I refute your accusation of "Hitler apologism".

You don't need to refute the accusation because it isn't aimed at you. It's very clear that Filipch is comparing Hitler to Alexander and Napoleon in order to rehabilitate Hitler (Filipch is a would-be Nazi troll).

As I've said you can't usefully compare Hitler with Alexander and Napoleon because they come from completely different times. They all enslaved, murdered and had little regard for human rights - but two of them existed when slavery was the norm and human rights and international conventions did not exist.

Your point - basically that there is a great deal of subjectivity and the victor's subjective view tends to form the dominant narrative. Still, I disagree - we can form an objective opinion - we have a wealth of information and the intellectual tools and therefore we don't have to have dominant narratives imposed on us.

Hitler/Nazism is very bad objectively - (not just if you're Jewish, Polish, Russian, French etc etc). They were far worse than what the West was doing at the time.

Stalin is somewhere close to Hitler - I'd argue that Hitler was worse but it's debatable. Pol pot was definitely up there - as were the Japanese. To compare the Apartheid regime (or Israel) to the Nazis is just silly. There are / were certainly similarities but also significant differences.

You say that one group's (ie Jewish) suffering is put on a pedestal over the suffering of others. OK, there is a political element to this because the holocaust is very closely associated with the existence of Israel. However, if we ignored this and looked at the holocaust objectively - I think that one would have to conclude that the holocaust was one of the worst (if not the worst) crimes in history.


Can I ask you a personal question? I'd understand if you didn't want to answer of course, as it's a personal one.
Have you ever suffered a major loss in your life? For instance, have you lost your parents tragically? Have you lost your house in a bombing or a tsunami? Have you lost your country in a civil war? Something of that scale.


No, I haven't.


I disagree. People groups or tribes were completely annihilated by Europeans in North and South America and Australia, which is comparable to what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust. You cannot claim that the Jewish Holocaust was objectively worse than what has happened to other groups, for example slavery, apartheid, reservations, Trail of Tears, massacres in Rwanda or Cambodia, etc.


This may be the most idiotic post I have ever seen. Napoleon and Alexander the Great were strategic geniuses. Hitler? Don't make me laugh. As the Allied forces started winning and pushing the Germans back, his generals asked him to send more troops to the front lines. He refused. Why? Because he needed the manpower to complete his psychotic vision of slaughtering every Jew the Nazis could find. Not exactly a move of "strategic genius".


And your last paragraph is just completely insane. According to you, it seems we would have been better off had Hitler won WWII. Maybe the Aryan race would be better off. Everyone else would either be dead, or slaves.


"You admire and like the most evil man in the history of Earth"
Let's not get carried away here. Humanity has seen a lot of bad eggs.
He's in the finals but I couldn't claim he's the winner in his field just yet.


Are you serious?

They didn't start WW1.
The war wasn't won just by "American and British planes and tanks". There were more countries, especially Russia which was the liberator for Poland.

If you're glad with the complete destruction of historical cities (whatever this means), this doesn't make you better than Hitler.

What do you mean by the A-Bombs? They were dropped in Japan.


"Especially Russia which was the liberator for Poland".

I`m not sure too many Poles would agree with this assessment of the events.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Are you joking or serious. You admire and like the most evil man in the history of Earth. A man who lead his country in too utter ruin

Facepalm! Did you even read history? Did you miss the part where Hitler raised Germany from the ashes and created millions of jobs in his first year of power? Germany was a rich and prosperous nation until the rest of the world decided to crush it. Germany's greatest crime wasn't ethnic cleansing against Jews. It was for threatening Zionistic international capitalism by freeing itself from their economic dictatorship, the exploitative bankers, the debt generating financial system that was strong then and still is. Other poor nations of Europe naturally looked up to Germany for breaking free from that system and saw how much a country could benefit from finding other ways of economy. So it wasn't just Germany, but it was catching on, a dire threat to international finances as they were conducted. That's Germany's deadly sin that is the actual reason for World War 2.




There are plenty of old Nazi films available on youtube etc and they give the Nazi point of view about the rise of Hitler, November Uprising, anti-semitism etc.

I doubt there are any post war films which give the Nazi point of view. Though a lot of films are sympathetic towards the experiences of the average German civilians and soldiers.


You may wanna watch this


I believe the movie your looking for is called "the producers"
Wherein you will find a most detailed and joyful account of the fuhrers "springtime"



I love how these morons are still arguing over an absentee OP.


Of course Hollywood and everyone hates Hitler for the massacre of Jews etc and one can see numerous movies on this issue. My personal favorite is 'Life is beautiful'.
However, to reach to the extent of killing people, ill treating them without showing any mercy, Nazis must had unprecedented anger against Jews. Is there any movie on the rise of hitler, the versai treaty and falling economy of germany post WW I and before WWII ? (Please do not suggest documentaries)

Since you know what types of subject matter you are looking for (the economy, the treaty, etc) you are in a position to know whether or not there are any movies that show this besides documentaries.

I never heard of any, myself. What perspective are you exactly wanting to see, and why do you think it's important?

Your use of words seems, IMO, to trivialize the atrocities committed under Hitler's leadership. The Nazis must have had unprecedented anger against the Jews?? You're likely smart enough to know why Hitler targeted the Jews (and the Gypsy people as well). You're probably just looking to rile people up.

Not everyone in the Nazi party was evil. Hitler was able to bring a defeated country on the verge of collapse to the brink of world power. An awesome feat, albeit done on rivers of blood.

Hitler's reasons were his own -- rumors that he had some Jewish ancestry that he hated with such a passion he felt he could only cleanse himself of it by exterminating the rest of the Jewish people.

In hard times people can be easily led. The German people as a whole are not evil, but human nature, turned loose with no system of checks and balances, will always give rise to the evil nature in some people -- hence Dr. Mengele and others were allowed to commit truly terrible crimes against fellow human beings. Savagery had free rein.

Want to see a movie about a Nazi party member who wasn't bad? Try Schindler's List. Want Hitler's point of view? Read Mein Kampf.

Of course, evil and terrible things did not arise with Hitler. To speak of the Jews, they were in slavery in Egypt and suffered until Moses led them out. The Romans threw them into lions' cages and hung them by thousands on crosses. Human life is ever cheap in history.
