MovieChat Forums > Oh! Soo-jung (2000) Discussion > No threads about this film...

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Well I liked it. I had to keep reminding myself to stop thinking about the structure because it continually perplexed me, the feeling it was conveying was elusive, but after each segment I felt something new and usually interesting. Despite its lack of order it conveys many truths about human relationships, and especially expresses how disappointing it can be for a girl in the world. It's about her virginity and wanting to be deflowered in a meaningful way, but more importantly it's about someone wanting to feel a connection with someone else, to love them and feel safe enough to give themselves to them. This world can be awkward and human interaction can be so bad because of lack of communication; the most important thing that can be said about the film is that it's honest, and that Sang-soo cultivated a real feeling with his art. He is a very intimate and observant director - the three main performances are quietly spectacular. I fell in love with Bo-seok Jeong as Jae-hoon, the quiet, self-made and loving rich young man (until the ending, but I feel that there could have been some adjustments and refinements in this early Hong Sang-soo script) but Eun-ju Lee as the woman in question is brilliant too (especially when playing the watery version of herself), as is Seong-kun Mun as Seong-kun Mun, a solipsistic director, a trademark of Hong Sang-soo. It's a great flick. Very interesting and humane, indeed.


interesting and humane indeed and I loved the black and white cinematography as well.
