Disabled character(s)

I saw this on wikipedia under "movies with mental retardation". Who's seen it? what character? Please help (yes, I know I'm obsessed with this subject), thanks.


Helen Mirren's daughter is mentally disabled and lives in a sort of insitution. Hope this helps ;)


thanks a lot


Seems like a rather strange obsession to me... but anyway, what other films does it mention?

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it!


Not really, if the original poster knows someone or has experience of disability, I think it's natural to be interested in representations of it in the media. I've studied Psychology and am interested in attitudes towards mental health, and therefore I'm interested how the media represents and shows mental illness.


She's barely in the movie and when she is, she doesn't really say or do anything(she has no lines).
She doesn't give any indication that she acknowledges the presence of other people, she always looks very unaware and even in a scene where she was handling her toys and smiled once, her expression barely conveys any interest in what she's doing.



The daughter is loved by the mom who visits her weekly and completely disregarded by the dad. At the end of the movie, the mom decides that she is done visiting her daughter, and say's 50 years of bringing up baby is enough. Along with something along the lines of in all the years of visiting she only wanted a whiff of recognition. Then mom pisses off to Australia presumably. The movie ends with her considering that invitation from the Bob Hoskins character.
