MovieChat Forums > Last Orders (2002) Discussion > What a great British movie

What a great British movie

I remember this film being released - mainly due to it's stellar cast.

But it didn't (to my knowledge) come to my home town.

Missed it on DVD.

Just seen it on BBC and highly impressed.

Would recommend it.

What do you guys think?


just saw on the beeb too - fantastic

...check out LPX...



I also live in Margate isnt it wierd seeing the places you walk every day in a film

Well i thought so anyway

Good film



I watched it last night on BBC as well, and thought it was an extremely good movie with fine acting from all of the cast.


I had never heard of this gem. I ran across it at the Libary a couple of days ago and rented it just due to the cast and last night I was about an hour or so into and decided it's worth the buy.

I so wish there were more films like this.

G.O.B.: Oh, sure, first you dump all over it, now you want to know how it’s done.


I caught this by chance the other night too - it was so touching and funny, with a wonderful cast. And I finally recognised JJ Field as young Jack!


Does anyone know where that war memorial is? I really want to visit it!


Does anyone know where that war memorial is? I really want to visit it!

It's the naval war memorial above Chatham dockyard. Multimap page:,0.53223|19|32&loc=GB:51.38696:0.53325:14|brompton|Brompton,%20Gillingham,%20Kent,%20England,%20ME7%205

"The hour is come but not the man"




Well I'm not blue rinse and it's got sod all to do with Last of the Summer Wine. It's a strong film. I mean, Kes and If are great films... but Quadrophenia? Tenth rate music vid by a band a nearly eight years past its prime. And Lock Stock? Half baked crud for the Loaded generation. DIrected by the great Guy Ritchie. Yes, Guy Ritchie. Now run along and think about that and come back when your voice breaks.

I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man. An unattractive man. I think that my liver hurts.


I'm not a "member of the blue rinse brigade" and I do class this as a great British movie, thank you. Laborious, no; subtle and beautifully fleshed out, yes. Putting your opinions in capitals does not make them facts.

The memorial in the film is the Naval War Memorial at Chatham. It's depicted in the novel, and I've just found it on the map; less than a mile from Chatham station. Must go there myself too!




This DVD was given away free in a UK newspaper so don't go paying top dollar for it :-)

A fine film too.
