Annoying scene

The whole Oz/Amber thing is so lame and boring parts of this movie, which is a really good flick. Probably one of the best comedy sequels you will find. But when Amber shoes up at the party, unexpectedly early, she finds OZ talking to a couple of guys about something stupid. Gid forbid she walked in and was talking to a girl or looking at some girls with his buddies. Had to make it so sweet and perfect. I know it's picky... But I really don't like his character. Great movie everywhere else.


I think you mean Heather, not Amber


You are correct on that! Good catch. But I stand by the rest.



I like it just the way it is. You've already got Stifler being a typical player. Oz is his opposite who's actually respectful of his girlfriend. Nothing wrong with that.


Im kind of glad that they avoided the typical "walk in while hes in a situation worse than it looks" scene that doesnt get resolved between them until the end of the movie.


Each characters had his purpose and personality, from there you decide which character you enjoy and which you don't.


I disagree with the OP the fact that Oz was faithful to Heather was one of the good writing pieces of this movie.


I like the first scene where they're on the phone, and the Chinese guy buzzes in.

"I've got my hand on my dick, and I'm trying to have sex with my girlfriend over the phone."
"Heeey, good for you, man! A lot luck!!"

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!
