MovieChat Forums > Manic (2003) Discussion > Joesph gordan levitt

Joesph gordan levitt

Joesph gorden levitt dorky in 10 things i hate about you but hot in this film


Totally agree. I watched this for the first time last night..well 2am this morning. I couldnt agree more though, 10 things I hate about you it was all about the Ledger but he looked so hot in this.

Hes grown into his face and height.


Whoo dnt get me started on heath u seen a knights tale 2001 yum, and yea i watched manic on filmfour about 1ish i was like whoo joesphs all grown up


haha good to know I wasn't the only one!!
I was up till like half 3 watching it. I just had to watch the end of it - regardless that it left me with three hours sleep!
glad I wasnt the only one doing that though. having film4 free is the BEST.

Joaquin moaned like a whore.
As I ravaged him.
And Again. And Again.


I really loved the film, so wat other celebs do u like i really like kevin bacon lol


yeah hes cute. - and isnt against showing us some now and again, haha always a bonus.

I got a big thing for Joaquin Phoenix. Its better not to ask.hehe

Joaquin moaned like a whore.
As I ravaged him.
And Again. And Again.


We got same taste joaquin is HOT u seen in in gladiator WHOO



did anyone watch brick? JGL rocks that movie out.

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."


Shut up i loved the film i was just saying how grown up and good lookin he looks in, it god i bet uve never said it about a woman god forbid lol



Eww he aint no sex symbol, kevin bacon maybe but not joesph, i just thought he was gd lookin, and yea if u read the other boards i also pointed out how gd he was in this, btw girls are more mature wen it comes to atractivness lol


I think the point they're trying to get across is that you're allowed to find him attractive, and even talk about it. But try it with friends. (the ones in real life, before you say that you are friends with people on the boards)

There's no need to make a whole thread on a message board JUST to make a point of it. Especially when ones already exist saying the same thing.

I happen to like Joaquin Phoenix a lot but I am sickened when I go to his board because of all the teeny boppers constantly talking about his looks.

ch-ch-ch-ch- cheney


Wats ure problem lol were just chatting and i aint a teeny bopper


I was just explaining it for you. and okay.

ch-ch-ch-ch- cheney


LOL its ok, do u like the film.
