
If Kenny did rape a kid, he wouldn't have ended up in a psychiatric unit treating adolescents for depression and suicidal disorders. He would undergo long-term treatment probably followed by aversion therapy and so on. Like when the doctor is asking everyone what sort of progress they've made, what kind of progress could Kenny make? AS far as I saw, everything was fine with the kid except his sexual disorder. Get what I mean?



his step-father abused him. i think that was one reason he was in the hospital, just to be kept safe.


I think he was in the hospital for depression which caused him to act out sexually. The abuse he suffered obviously confused him and he might have been sent to the facility just in case he developed depression.

For all we know he could have had an episode and maybe attempted suicide. Whatever happened though, he was there, and I think it's best to remember that this is a movie, and not overthink these types of things.


his step father molested him, of course hes depressed.


His father molested him, then he molested his little sisters because of it. They say it in the beginning.

-They came from some place else..
-What, you mean like Europe?
-No, Robbie, NOT like Europe!


no, you have it all wrong. his stepfather molested him, causing him to become depressed. and because his stepfather molested him, it caused him to have post-traumatic stress and thus resulting in HIM molesting a child at the "youth ward". so he was sent to the teens ward.


Omg, thank you for explaining that. It always bugged me why he was transfered out of the other ward.


I think Kenny's so-called abuse of the kid in the children's hospital was simply him acting out 'learned behavior'. He was molested by his step-dad and knew it was wrong but also, in a way, didn't know how to behave properly with other kids.
