MovieChat Forums > Manic (2003) Discussion > Something I noticed about Kenny...

Something I noticed about Kenny...

…was that he was a lot like Chief. In One Flew over the Cuckoos nest…except the ending of course. They were only really similar by the fact that they were Native…and mute(for the most part.)

Just something that I noticed.

I really loved this movie, too but the way. I was pretty upset about Lyle going after Mike at the end. He was doing so well.
I can understand why that would have pushed a button(with the comment about Tracy), but I really wish he would have gone about it another way.



I've watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest once and Manic twice, and I understand why people compare the two and how they are similar, because that was an observation I made myself before I knew others did. The scene where the kids throw a party, trash the hospital ward and rock out to music by a band called Deftones is very similar to the party Jack Nicholson's character Randle Patrick McMurphy and his lady friend Candy threw, except unlike in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, in Manic, there were no drugs involved. I understand why you think Chief and Kenny are similar, but the difference between the two was that Chief was pretending to be deaf and mute as revealed later in the movie.
