MovieChat Forums > Heist (2001) Discussion > Confused (spoilers)

Confused (spoilers)

Rebecca's in the car with Jimmy Silk. Truck makes them crash. She gets into the truck. Next time we see her, Devito punches her. What happened in between?


This "confused" me, too!

I've watched the movie plenty of times...

The truck makes them crash while Jimmy Silk is "alone" and most vulnerable. Okay. The crash was pre-planned. Okay.

So, why do they ever meet up anywhere else thereafter? Joe has the gold and the girl and they ALL got away (safe and sound) AFTER Jimmy Silk had tried a double-cross himself. Why would you leave any loose ends? I don't get it!

And, presumably, they were tracked from a plate on the truck (which was planned for use in thwarting the double-cross)? Really? That's not thinking ahead with a back-up plan. Joe should have imagined someone smarter than himself and wondered how he would do it.


Imagine "IF" the end of the Usual Suspects wasn't the end...

After Joe gets away with the gold and the girl, our guess should have been that you'd never see him again!


After the crash she and pinky are roughed up.

As for comment of crash being staged, it wasn't, freak accident.

Go back to the conversation they had in the car at side of the road before the heist, if you cheat on your girlfriend do you prepare an excuse... If she calls and doesn't ask where you were, was it a waste of your time preparing one... Everything leading up to the end is Gene Hackmans character preparing for every unknown eventuality.


I'll watch the car crash again, but I thought Fran deliberately distracted him at the point where the road curved (but the car would keep going straight) and head into the lane where the truck was conveniently being driven by Gene's character. I thought it was staged.
