
It's been quite awhile since I have seen this movie. I have it here on video and don't dare to look at it twice. It is such a horrible movie. After 10 or 15 minutes, I was wondering if I should stop or just let it go... I let it go. And I still wonder how I could have been able to watch what is unbearable! With Time, I have been able to be more objective concerning this movie. My own personal point of view is this one: it shouldn't have been done! You do not film what is unfilmable. What went on in these gas chambers is NOT a subject for movies. It is not 'entertainment'. It is Sacred. And it shouldn't have been approached nor 'dramatized'. As if it wouldn't be dramatic or tragic enough. I prefer to see Holocaust movies when they succeed to survive or when they are being helped and saved by non-Jews (like Barbra Streisand did, as a producer, in some of her own productions). It is more constructive. Besides, David Arquette was so unconvincing, so bad, so miscast, that it was annoying. Thank God, there was Mira Sorvino. For me, the most convincing Holocaust movie ever was Arthur Miller's exceptional telefilm Playing For Time with the extraordinary Vanessa Redgrave, supported by an exceptional cast of actresses.


Yeah, ok. Let's make Holocaust movies to make it appear to have been warm and cuddly.

" prefer to see Holocaust movies when they succeed to survive or when they are being helped and saved by non-Jews (like Barbra Streisand did, as a producer, in some of her own productions)."

Please. This hardly ever happened. You can't look at the Holocaust as having a good ending, as most of the movies you mention do. THIS IS the Holocaust. Entertainment is one of the only media that can convey what happened in the past. Do you want people to forget the atrocities that the Nazis carried out? Do you want these people's stories to die with the last of the survivors?


If you watch this movie and feel "entertained" then you missed the point.
Its not entertainment.
Well, I suppose some of the very people who post on these boards would feel entertained.
I bet some of the neo-sickos who post on these board watched the film with their pants off.

Its not entertainment. Its a testament.


Documentaries ARE testaments not Hollywood movies with unfilmable subject matters.




I watched this movie for the first time last night.

I woke up this morning with the haunting images replaying in my mind.

I realize that movies cannot always completely portray the atrocities that occurred during this time but I was affected, nonetheless.

I don't approach a movie like this expecting for there to be a happy ending.

I accept that it is based on actual events and that not all incidents in history were resolved with a favorable outcome, if at all.

I believe that the movie was enormously effective in evoking certain thoughts and emotions in the viewer.

I feel that the story should be told.

Whether as a play, movie, documentary, novel or otherwise.

"I am not a number. I am a person."
