MovieChat Forums > The Grey Zone (2001) Discussion > What are some realistic movies like this...

What are some realistic movies like this?

I'm trying to find some about the concentration camps.

The sypnosis says this is a real story yet all the workers look like they are being fed a buffet every day and staying at a 5 star hotel when not at the camp.

I want to see a film with a real representation of what it was like, over crowded, people starving and I'm sure if someone spoke back to a nazi like the character did in the first five mins of this they would of received a beating!

So are there any realistic films I could watch or even documentaries.



Mitchcraft -

If you happen to see this message, years after your question, SEE: "Night & Fog" It's the most horriblly disturbing Documentary I've ever seen.

I 'recommended' it to a College Professor of mine who was doing weeks on the Holocaust - the day it was shown, most students could not attend the rest of their day's classes and almost all went somewhere quiet, many wept, etc. - just illustration the effect.

The next class, that Professor received so many angry, righteous "Complaints" for daring to show it without warning, for daring to put into the minds of these young people images that can never be unseen and are as disturbing, horrific, etc., etc. (Adjectives cannot do it, hyperbole is not even strong enough). They SCREAMED at her (the Professor) for doing it - and it was a very lively discussion.

Should we all see such a thing? What purpose? I believe in seeing, because It Happened and so many people are either not educated (for lack of material and the like - no fault of theirs) or force themselves to minimize it so they are not haunted by vivid nightmares - something we all shared in that class, so much so it 'took over' discussions for weeks and weeks.

NIGHT & FOG - actual footage, mostly shot by Germans I believe, that you actually may not want to see; there can be no unseeing those images and I can see them now and find it heartbreaking. The ONLY other images even similar are the rare photos of the Civil War POW Camps where the men were regularly starved to death (food for 1,000; for 3,500 Prisoners).

Nothing can prepare modern people in 1st world nations for those images of literal walking skeletons - It's unimaginable to my mind (and others) how a dead person can walk and talk. Far, far worse than the worst possible horror movie make-up, etc. And we know that almost none of them lived - after the most incredible suffering I think I am capable of imagining.

Likely you'll not read this, but if you do it is worth it. Please do accept my Caution! It sounds melodramatic, but it is a door you must choose to walk through and if you have a normal sensibility and heart, the Film will stay with you for the rest of your life. Awful - and a necessary part of realistic education for Americans? Many agree; many do not - both groups are adamant.
