Operation Liberty

Is anybody else here having problems completing Operation Liberty?I've finished the Soviet Campaign before(this was before I had to format my hard drive die to unforeseen errors!!!),but have never gotten past Operation Liberty in th Allied campaign.


No problem for me... Of course I'm cheating like crazy but hey, win at any cost right?

Muhahaha! My grizzly tanks shoot laser... gatling gun!!! w00t!!!


You mean there are cheats?Are they cheat codes?Please tell me what the cheats are,because I'm really stuck!!!


No there are no cheat code. You can however, edit the unit files and make them uber strong. For example, I created a custom weapon that can be equipped to my tanks. It's a modified version of the prism tower beam but with better range and speed.

If you want I could send you a copy of said file... When you don't want to cheat simply delete it and everything will go back to normal. Or if you have something else in mind (say, laser shooting Tanya) I could probably make it happen. It's very easy.


I would love it if you sent me that file.My email address is [email protected]


No need for email address... Here's a link:

ZA huh... Where's that? South Africa?

BTW, you'll need winRAR to extract these files.


Did you get it to work?


Man,this cheat is off the hook!!!I finished the Allied Campaign today!!!


Yes... Now try the Russian campaign with the cheat on. I guarantee you won't even get past the second mission LOL...


Found a real easy way to beat the Russian Revolution mission. When the mission starts move your Kirov's over to the extreme west side of the map. Then click them to move to the very top left corner of the map. If they line up right going northward they should both make it to the top left corner. Then keep them to the north side of the map and head east. About halfway to the Kremlin start easing south and you'll see a couple of nuclear power plants and maybe a tesla plant or two. Quickly destroy them and it will knock out the power to the Kremling flack cannons. Then move on eastward at the very top of the map and when you get in line with the Kremlin attack from the north and it should easily be destroyed. If you start taking flack, head back west and destroy a couple more tesla plants. I beat this mission every time like this, even on hard difficulty.


I beat all missions with my laser shooting Tanya... Muhahahah!!! She also carries unlimited nuclear bombs!!!

These people don't know how to use a time machine... I used it to travel to the 51st century to acuqire super weapons...

I'm crazy...



You... You can't complete... Red Alert II? HAHAHA! I completed both campaigns in three hours straight! Just build a ton of GI's, then give 'em hell!


You just download it and then what...How do you extract the file to edit units ???


Got a problem to make it work. I downloaded the RAr files and I can edit the units but it doesn't work when I play the game in the campaigns.
How do I place it in the directory.


Build 2 nighthawks, 10 GIs. Drop them on the left bridge to the right. 8 harriers, maybe 12. Make about 30 or 40 GI;s for the move up. Then keep building and refinforce with airpower.

