Am I alone?

Am I the only one who was disappointed that Red Alert 2 was SOOO much more kiddy/cartoonish and less serious than its predecessor?

I understand that Red Alert 2 was fun and creative in terms of gameplay and balance, but I really loved how the original Red Alert had a serious tone in regards to an alternate World War II history. It was more gritty and had a lot of potential to eventually link with the Tiberian universe. I feel like they ruined that opportunity with Red Alert 2. I don't want them to link it now, I'd feel embarrassed for the Tiberian Universe after watching those AWFUL cutscenes in Red Alert 2 with all that horrible acting. The last scene for the Allied Campaign made me want to puke.

I know a lot of people love Red Alert 2, and I'm hoping it's for gameplay reasons. I feel this game deserves more criticism in regards to the story and tone. Controlled dolphins and giant squids? Please, give me a break... someone needs a good slap in the face for that idea.

Did everything just taste purple for a second?


I agree with you on the fact that it was much more "playful" than the other Red Alerts. I think their intention was to almost parody themselves and history. (Russians are traitors and goofy, the Americans always trying to look good and be stronger than the Soviets, only this time the Soviets were). Just one thing... Controlled dolphins exist. Of course they don't do things like in the game, but they do exist and are used militarily by the U.S.

All in all you're just a nother brick in the wall.



The acting hasn't really been that great throughout each of the series. Still fun to watch though.

For the most part yeah, but compared to the other C&C games, it's as if they were purposely doing it badly. Or as mjbrandstoettner said, doing a parody of themselves. But I'm focusing more on the Red Alert Universe. If you look at the acting for Red Alert 1, it has much more serious overtones and atmosphere (despite being of poorer visual quality of course). Many of Red Alert 2's cutscenes were filmed almost as if they were SNL skits. The fact that they are so much different is what bothers me.

Sci-fi weapons are quite common in each of the Command and Conquer universes.

I understand that, but it just seemed like a ridiculous addition to a more modern war scenario. I guess I'm more alone in that aspect, it just didn't seem to fit IMO. I figure boats and battleships do just fine, and they weren't necessary.

Did everything just taste purple for a second?



The series has never been the same since EA took over. Though they did do Tiberium Wars right. At least I think so.

I definately agree with that. I don't think EA had much appreciation for Westwood's work. And I hated them until Tiberium Wars came out, cause I thought they'd never make another Tiberium game, and just focus on their "Generals" tangent. Then I was worried they'd pull a silly Red Alert 2 twist with C&C3.

Although, much like Red Alert 2, I feel like C&C3 didn't get enough criticism for some of the things they didn't keep consistent with Tiberian Sun. For example, why did Nod have poorly trained militants, when they had a well-armed military in TS? What was up with the whole CABAL/Kain ending, and where is CABAL? He obviously wasn't totally wiped out. It needs an expansion or something quickly, I felt like the story didn't go very far.

Was Yuri's Revenge much of an improvement by the way? I was so annoyed by the kiddy atmosphere of the original, I couldn't bring myself to try it.

Did everything just taste purple for a second?



The origional Red Alert felt like it was at least trying to have a serious tone, this one changed from history gone wrong to America Vs Everyone who hasn;t sent them christmas card in the last 20 years.


Acting wise... no. Not at all. And this is my opinion - SNL sketches have better acting.

You know, I liked the storyline, I loved the gameplay, I just didn't like the cutscenes... Maybe that's why they took it out in Generals?

Yuri's faction is very interesting to play/play against though. It's 100% mind-control tech based weaponry... Which is a bit tricky to play against.

Say you built like 12 A. Tanks and tried to rush a Yuri base. If Yuri base has 4 Psychic tower or Mastermind or combo of two, not only would you lose ALL 12 A. Tanks, now the Yuri base has 12 A. Tanks to rush YOU. (Actually happened in a campaign I played... G0DD@MN IT...)

A letter, a number, and a word: V3 Rockets... Oh wait, they have GATTLING Towers that can shoot down any aerial unit in 3 seconds or less.

Anyway, the moral of the lesson is, it's tricky and you really should use conscripts to "distract" Yuri's psychic defenses...




Nope, not alone. this was lightyears more fun in multiplayer, but thats about it. Graphics, music, story, acting was all pretty horrible, and there was almost no animated cutscenes.


I don't get why people are bashing the acting. I thought it was decent. The American president, General Carville, the soviet premier (can't remember his name, sorry) and Yuri all had solid actors. Also, if you think this was too goofy then you are going to hate RA3 since it is 10 times more goofy than this.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that the outlandish technology started appearing in RE1. I find it absurd how people bashing something that exists in real life (trained military Dolphin's) as being unrealistic and betraying the franchise when RE1 had a teleportation device and a machine that makes things invincible.
