MovieChat Forums > Maid in Manhattan (2002) Discussion > Who actually thinks Jennifer Lopez can s...

Who actually thinks Jennifer Lopez can sing?

I cannot express how much I dislike Jennifer Lopez. I did like her in "Selena", but after that she became annoying. I don't think she is beautiful, and the girl cannot sing. I mean, c'mon, compare her to Celine Dion, now that's a singer. J Lo's movies are not great, and she can't sing. To me, it seems as though she has a fake sweetness to her. I cannot stand her.


Everytime I hear the words "Jay Lo",I just shake my head,because I just don't get it.I think she's a fair actress,but,music-wise,she should leave that to others.How she ever became this phenomenon,I'll never know.



Because she has a lot of talented people behind her, like Ashanti and such. She can dance though you have to give her that.


I'll have you know, I downloaded an entire J Lo album last year and listened to it on a trip to Seattle and back. Her music kept me awake all the away across the state. That fact that I didn't pay for it makes it all the more sweet.


I used to like Jennifer Lopez very much. Of course, that was before she became possessed by the evil demon called "J.Lo."
Someone needs to put her out of her misery.


Hi. Ok I'm not saying that you aren't entitled to an opinion because you are but I am too and I think that some of her stuff is annoying but I think she is pretty cool. Mind you I think Ralph Fiennes gave a better performance. But I think she was pretty good too.


J Lo is a nice person, but she can neither sing nor act.


Incorrect, 'aqueeng': J Lo is a horrible person. Her singing is mediocre at best; her acting about as pants as a large pair of boxer-briefs with knickers attached to them; I find her only a tad hot. But she is a horrible person. All the publicity crap between her and Ben Affleck was merely for the press, and she only gives when she knows she will receive in return. She is very selfish in her relationships, only doing what she wants and paying no attention to what her male partner wants from a good relationship. She's what I call a 'receive-but-don't-give' bitch, who is entirely selfish in her ways. Notice that she and Affleck *swapped* gifts. Okay, by rights he should give, and he did, but she only gave because he had done and she'd look bad if she didn't. She really is a selfish bitch. Sorry, mate.



Nah, all you need is a couple of complaints from her community that J-Ho, who loves making blind claims like how she loves her neighborehood, doesn't do SQUAT for it.



very good comment cajsalazar!!!!
i have nothing to add, you are COMPLETELY right!!!!!
i think jealousy plays a great role in all the negative comments!!!


porkpie007 you need to get a life


Its not a question of whether she can sing. When you ask this question ask the
singing quality of the past pop diva artists of the past decade. Who actually thinks Britney Spears can sing or Janet Jackson or Monica and so forth? Its not
about singing quality anymore. Its about image and looks. Its obvious your not
superficial which is good.


if you thank britney spears cant sing then your seriously retarded


I think Jennifer Lopez can sing, and I know she does it very well.


i fully agree with you scooby,
jennifer can sing and others, like Britney spears can take lesson from her!!!!!!


hey i'm not a great fan of jlo but u have to give her credits for her
and she does know how to HATERS okay so juat admit PEOPLE you are jealous because you are not like her o and 1 more think what does this has to do with the movie???????????


jlo is nothing but an autotune whore.




J Lo, has just become annoying now. Her music used to be barable, but now shes trying to get into the rap scene its just funny what a nuisance she makes of herself. I didnt see the movie, and im not going to for only one reason, because shes in it.


She can't sing and she can't act.


The fact that shes always parading around in underwear in magazines helps to sell records. Shes only employed by studios because they know she'll make them money. Not for long though....
