MovieChat Forums > Maid in Manhattan (2002) Discussion > Lopez was brilliant but Fiennes was pain...

Lopez was brilliant but Fiennes was painful to watch!

Jennifer Lopez was brilliant. You utterly sympathised with her. And pretty too! I've never seen any of her movies before, though I've heard her songs and don't think much of them, she won me over.
Ralph Fiennes... I thought Schindler's List was incredible, but here he was conconvincing and emotionless... argh, that excruciatingly strained smile made me cringe. Should stick to playing those evil sadistic murderers he's so good at.
Oh yeah, and Stanley tucci was completely annoying.


I agree, this is by far the best of her romantic comedies, it was a very decent film... r


jennifer was great in this movie along with her other movies but i have to agree with you on ralph.he was so not tuned in.they should have picked someone almost seem like he didn't want to be there,like he had something else to do.he should be happy he got a chance to do a movie with jennifer.and by the way jennifers singing is great too,just listen to her cd rebirth.her voice has really advanced.

when i go to sleep tonight i will be dreaming about you



I absolutly agree with sara-452, how the HELL can you possibly put Lopez in the same catagory as Fiennes when it comes to acting, although I do agree that this isn't one of his better movies he is much better in this kind of role in the Constant Gardener. but STILL my GOD HOW???

Damn longears, trying to take Easter away from Jesus.



Ralph should be happy that he got a chance to do a movie with Lopez? What a joke. Ralph Fiennes is a two-time oscar-nominated actor, any actor would kill to work with him.

I have to admit that this certainly isn't his best movie, and he did seem like he didn't want to be there. Guess he just doesn't fit into the rom-com genre.



I like Stanley Tucci, and I adore Ralph Fiennes. He's an amazing actor. Jennifer Lopez could never hold a candle to him.

However, in this movie - which I hated, by the way - I got the feeling that Fiennes would rather be anywhere else and was thinking "Just doing this so I don't get typecast, just doing this so I don't get typecast..." I think that if his acting wasn't particularly amazing in this movie, it's because he was underwritten. He has an excuse.


This movie requires a major suspension of disbelief, which is why there's almost no way to convincingly act Ralph F's role. I have worked at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco and can say the behind the scenes is quite accurate including the relationships of the staff. But...I never met no senatorial candidate and borrowin g guests' clothes? Puleeze.

I liked all the performances though, hands down, and thought it was a quality flick. Natasha Richardson was hysterical. She really looks like she's having fun.


I would say that there are a number of movies that require a suspension of disbelief but that is an actor's job. To make an audience believe the unbelievable and give them a chance to escape the real world. Especially in a romantic-comedy such as this.

I do agree that Ralph Fiennes didn't do an all to great job in this film. If he didn't want the part he should have declined it and let someone else take it. Someone who would fit the role better.


I just watched the film, and I thought Fiennes was totally believable and the most refreshing performance of the lot. Whenever he looked at Lopez with those piercing blue eyes, I went all jelly inside. If anyone was sleepwalking through their role, it was Lopez. She could not seem to get a handle on her character.


I agree -- his eyes! Melting ...
. . . . . . . .


Natasha is a perfect example. Brilliant actress and she did look like she was having fun. She was hilarious in this.

I agree with the others that Fiennes is a great actor but I think it was Cary Grant? that said comedy is a lot harder to tackle than drama. It really made me question his ability that he couldn't make anything of this role. An actor of his "caliber" should have been able to do something with this. Take Colin Firth for example, Mark Darcy was a flat character too but he played him great (despite it being P&P's Mr. Darcy placed in a modern setting). Plenty of dramatic actors in Fiennes league do it all the time, and they have fun with it.

I just don't think he can do romantic or maybe even comedy (although I remember him being funny in "In Bruges"?). The English Patient was sort of a romantic role but not really because the Count had Fiennes' trademark moodiness and standoffish trait. I know it's hailed as a great picture particularly for the love story, but I can't say I really bought the love he had for K. I can't think of any of his other "romantic" roles off the top of my head so please feel free to debate me on this, but romance is not his forte. It doesn't come off believable. Just my two cents.

As for Lopez, she does fine in romcoms. She found a niche that fits her. I pretty much enjoy most of her romcoms.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all



The painful thing about it is why he even did this movie. He seems to pick and choose his movies so well, based mostly on quality, which is why this would seem such an odd choice. Seeing him star opposite J.LO was terrible. Sickening.

One thing we ALL should agree on, if nothing else: Peace.:)>-


I totally disagree with the OP. Lopez was not brilliant and Fiennes is certainly never painful to watch. Lopez was better than usual though and Fiennes was I guess a bit below par than usual but on the whole they both gave good performances if great and I enjoyed the movie. I usually can't stand Lopez but she wasn't bad here.

But as for the poster who said Fiennes should have been glad for a chance to work with Lopez. Now that is laughable. Its the other way around. Lopez should be the one thankful that she got to work with the brilliant actor that is Fiennes.

RIP Deborah Kerr, 1921-2007


Well, if Ralph Fiennes was not cast in this movie, I wouldn't have watched this J-Lo chick flick. But I gotta admit, Lopez' acting convinced me in the first 30 minutes... then it all goes downhill from then on.


I notice a lot of people think Ralph Fiennes was not the best person to play this role. Who does everyone think would have been perfect to play the part?


I agree that Ralph fiennes wasn't very good at this role. He was just boring! I know that he didn't exactly have an exciting part to play, but his performance was just bland. I thought J-Lo was OK - i prefer her in The Wedding Planner. I thought their chemistry was pretty poor too, and the film therefore wasnt very good. From the adverts i thought it looked like a cute romantic comedy - but it wasnt cute, it wasnt very romantic and it wasnt a funny comedy.

I really doubt that changing Ralph would have made much of a difference to the film, but maybe someone like Heath Ledger, Joaquin Phoenix or John Cusack may have been better. Though they may be even worse! Maybe they should have just created a more funnier, romantic script and kept the same actors and i may have liked it more.


Any of the chick flick leading men.

Mark Ruffalo
Ben Affleck
Matt McConnaghey (sp)

Ralph Fiennes seemed like an extraterrestrial.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


i dont find that guy attractive. why couldn't they cast the regular cuties like Michael Vartan or whoever else. When i watch a rom/com, i wanna see a HOT leading guy not some so-so, judgmental rich boy.

i'd rather be his whore than your wife


Agreed. Brilliant actor but I found it very unconvincing that he would even look in a maid's direction, much less a Hispanic maid. Another reason it failed. I couldn't buy a public schoolboy falling for the maid.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


What a racist thing to say! White men love Latinas! Why are they so obsessed with JLO, Salma or Eva Longoria?

I can't go to jail. Look at me, I'll get raped like crazy.


You replied to the wrong person.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


I did not, you wrote this ish didn't you?

Agreed. Brilliant actor but I found it very unconvincing that he would even look in a maid's direction, much less a Hispanic maid. Another reason it failed. I couldn't buy a public schoolboy falling for the maid.

I can't go to jail. Look at me, I'll get raped like crazy.


That's not racist.

And newsflash Hispanic/Latino is not a race, it's an ethnicity.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


Fiennes is the one of the only decent thing about this movie. Lopez was OK.

It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.
