MovieChat Forums > Strong Medicine (2000) Discussion > Which partner of Lu's have you liked bet...

Which partner of Lu's have you liked better?

I've wanted to know from you people which partner of Lu's have you liked better? Dana, Andy, or currently Dylan? I'm not sure which one I've liked. I'm recently getting caught up with the earlier seasons. I'm interested to see what everyone else thinks.



That's my list. I REALLY didn't like Patricia Richardson's character. I just didnt' see her as a dr. She will always be Jill Taylor to me.


What I have noticed is that, with Dana, I like Dana and Lu equal, but with Andy I like Lu like 10000% better. Thats just what I have noticed. But with Dylan, He is ok I guess. I like Dana better tho.

My Fav is still:
Dylan-Andy (they are tied)



I couldnt stand Dana i dunno why.


I hated Dana, liked Andy, and I don't like Dylan


Melinda: "Mmm-hmm. It's a damn shame."


My list goes the same way. I couldn't stand Dana. she strutted around like she was the best, and she always acted like Lu inferior. Andy was the best, they had the most in common and worked well together!


I didn't much care for Dana until she was getting ready to leave... up till that point she was really uptight and snobby.

Andy was more down to earth and I think her and Lu got along better and related to one another better.

As far as Dylan goes it is really too soon for me to say. I think he has a whole lot of potential and could be really great for the show. I think the fact that him and Lu have a history together makes it easier for me to see him as a good match for her (in a co-worker sense).


I liked Dana in season two (season one she seem to stuck up and snotty. like she was better than everyone else). Andy was a great partner but I like Rick Schroder's character, Dylan, the best because he's hot! lol. I think Lu has had all female partners and i'm kinda looking forward to see how she interacts with Dylan and her first time with a male partner. (everyone knows males have different point of views than women do!)

When Marc left the show (so he was mainly guest starring), there was a void left. The show needed some personal lives, aka children. I think Dylan's daughter, Araya, is gonna make for an interesting character. I'm anxious to see how Dylan handles his rebellious teenage daughter. And there's something about Dylan that is intreging. Maybe because he's so mysterious. I dunno, but i do know that i'm liking Dylan the best out of all three partners.

Heres my list:


I think that the writers wanted lu to play just the down to earth kind lose and dosnt really give a crap about the rules doctor, and they wanted her partner to be a kinda upper class, snobby rich doctor who has her nose straight up in the air, and I think that dana played that very well, and i like it. However, I think that maybe they wanted to try something new with andy,kinda lose, but kinda rich, and defiently and doctor to the rich.
Dyaln however, i dont know what there trying to prove, but I dont know if I like him. I mean I really like him, but when he acts, I think it sounds plain and boring, and stiff. like instead of rading the line dramatically he reads is normally and boring, has anyone else noticed this??????
Or maybe thats just the way he acts??????? i dont know????


I liked Andy the best and then Dylan. I thought Dana Stowe was a wench.




My favorite character is hands-down Dylan. I really, REALLY like him!!

I'm most drawn to his background - who is was before he met Lu, his relationship with his daughter, his passion for his work - and I really like the energy between Dylan and Lu.

In fact, Rick Schroder's character reignited my love of the show. And because of his character's participation in the storyline, I'm actually more bummed now, then I think I would have been in the beginning of the series, that the show is coming to an end. Actually, I am really bummed that the show is coming to an end!

I will say that while the character isn't Lu's partner, my all-time least favorite character is Dr. Kayla Thornton (Tamera Mowry). I think that it's mostly the writing of her character, combined with a dash of her acting, I really have a hard time not turning the channel when she comes on the screen.


To be honest, I liked them all.

HOWEVER, Dana & Andy both had 2 seasons & Dylan was only in the last one, so we didnt get to see much of him. His charactor was really blossoming towards the end of the season, as was Araya. I think everyone would come back for a reunion or a movie in the near future!!



even though her character was snobby and uptight, i liked dana the best. i think it's because of her and bianchavilla. they were cute and interesting. Then i would have to say andy, because she's cool, but she'll always be jill taylor, lol. i can't really judge dylan because he barely was there for a season.


1) Andy
2) Dana
3) Dylan

Dude, where's your car?



My favorite actor out of those three is a different story because personally i just think that janine turner needs to go back to training but i feel like the storyline was best with Dana.


1.) Andy
2.) Dana
3.) Dylan

I really loved the seasons where Andy and Lu were partners because they worked very well together. I liked Dana and Lu but they didn't have the same relationship that Andy and Lu had. As far as Dylan, he was okay, but after Patricia left SM, no one could replace her.
