MovieChat Forums > In Memory of My Father Discussion > 3 Festivals - 3 Awards --- San Diego Fil...

3 Festivals - 3 Awards --- San Diego Film Fest - Best Director

We've been honored by the San Diego Film Festival with the award of BEST DIRECTOR this weekend in a highly competitve arena of films. Thanks so much San Diego for inviting us and for the award. For more info:


Hey, Christopher,
This is Lenora, the theater manager at the San Diego Festival. I just wanted to say you were one of my favorite filmmakers at the festival. I was working so I didn't get to see the film but I hope I get a chance soon but I did really like the q and a. Congrats again on the award!


Thanks so much for the nice message... it was really nice getting to spend a short few moments with you down there. I hope everyone was happy with the festival and had a good time. Keep in touch and if you want to see the film, our Los Angeles Premiere will be during the 1st week of November at the Arc Light Theater. There will be a opening night party and it should be a good time. Check the site for updates and if you write to [email protected] and ask to be kept informed, they will send you info on what's going on.

Nice hanging out with you, and thanks for having me.




Congratulations! I agree with the choice. Of course, I only saw 5 films, but of those 5, I would give Best Director to you. I'm glad to know that San Diego has good taste.
