Please explain the joke

I don't understand the joke with "buttcheeks", when the officer recognizes him when he spreads his buttcheeks. What's the point?


The context is driven by the preceeding joke about how white & black people are treated differently by police. The prevailing stereotypical viewpoint is that whites get off easy (license, registration) but cops abuse their power to quasi-legally harass black folk, because they can.

Chappelle employs hyperbole by constructing an over-the-top requirement for black people during a pullover/stop. Instead of the 'usual' requests, an extreme one ("spread your buttcheeks") is employed for comedic effect.


thanks mate :)


"spread your cheeks and lift your sack".

basically the cops demand to search his anus to see if he has drugs stuck up there or not just because he's black.
