MovieChat Forums > Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal (2001) Discussion > I found Jesus through watching this movi...

I found Jesus through watching this movie

This movie is truly incredible... Slade Craven shows that everyone deserves a second chance, and that no-one should judge a book by its cover. Scheffer returns to the wonder that is now known as the Turbulence Trilogy, this time taking on another role instead of the one he graced the small screen with in Turbulence 2. Scheffer is a god among men in Hollywood and this film proves it again... Joe Montegna once again showing off his talent, this time magnificently partnered up with the Asian guy who ran the pet store in the film Best in Show (they are an unstoppable team). With Rutger Hauer in the mix you have an ensemble of petrified Hollywood turds that have a scent carrying throughout Northern America, adrift in the fartwind known as Turbulence 3. Killer music, killer action, killer suspense, killer dialouge, ONE KILLER FLIGHT!!! I really learned alot about myself from this movie and I am working on changing my name to Slade in court right now. Can someone please tell me if the guy playing Slade Craven has a family tree that can be traced back to some of History's greatest thinkers.... possible Christ himself?


are you kidding me? this was nothing more than a low budget horror/suspense jar of pond scum. there was enough dead space to fill a nebula, the acting was fit for high school drama. Scheffer a god? are you f*%$ing kidding me? if this movie changed your life you probably need to go and live in a cabin watching the horrid Turbulence movies over and over again. its comments like this that make this site worse than it usually is.

Silence Dogood


you obviously have this confused for another movie. If anything this movie is too good for big budget... Scheffer is an amazing actor, why do you think he is in so many movies for one, and why do you think he had the chance to play 2 DIFFERENT CHARACTERS IN THE SAME TRILOGY!!!!! That's what real actors do!!! Expand and play a wide variety of characters! For your information I do live in a cabin, and I own alot of great movies... and you know what? I don't think Turbulence 3 is the best movie ever made (Snake Eater 3 is), I just think that Turbulence 3 is an important movie; so it is completely beyond me that you would be so shortminded to think that my review of the movie is what makes this site worse. If anything it helps people realize that there is something to value in this movie.
I was introduced to this movie in my church group, we studied it for an entire sunday evening, and once observing the characters in the light of Jesus, you can see where I'm coming from... till then you should really try and have an open mind. And seriously "jar of pond scum"?? If I had known that this review was going to destroy your ability to use vocabulary that exceeds the realm of the Dungeons and Dragons game you have been playing in your parents basement for the past thirty years I would have saved it for my church group... because guess what, they loved the movie, and they realize that this movie can do nothing but help people. It's people like you, your shallowness, pond scum, and narrowmind that really hurt this site.


I must second the insightful comments of the individual who began this thread. After 18 years of teaching film theory at various Ivy League institutions, I had found myself in a rut. Each semester, I was forced to show Citizen Kane to my students as the definitive film on the use of film language in character development. With the arrival, no pun intended, of Turbulence 3, I no longer have to sit through Orson Welles heavy handed vanity project every six months.

Imagine my excitement when my friend and former pupil Craig Sheffer sent me a copy of this straight-to-video triumph. Slade Craven is simply the finest lead character ever to be lensed. John Mann, in what could be the performance against which all future lead men will be judged, takes control of the screen from the first frame he is in, to the final, heart-wrenching moments when his character must land the plane. Mann is aided by the brilliance of Wade Ferley's take-no-prisoners screenplay, which features character development that would make Dostoyevsky himself feel like a hack. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Director Jorge Montesi uses his camera with the weight and authority of a modern day St. John the Evangelist. The visual work is so visceral and uncompromising that one is left with the sense that this is not merely a work of art which rivals the Mona Lisain importance and timelessness - it is the word of God himself.

In my long career as an academic, there come along movies which I feel I must show to my students to truly demonstrate the heights of human genius. Ishtar, The Fish that Saved Pittsburgh, and Ernest: Scared Stupid, among others, come to mind. However, no film has ever come through the screen, grabbed me by the shoulders, shaken me, and demanded me to teach it as Turbulence 3. Not only do I show it to my classes each semester, but I have started an after-school program where we discuss the best way to use the film to end genocide in the third world. I have been left so humble by the film's greatness that I only make love to my wife as Slade Craven.

I invite everyone to watch this film and decide for themselves whether it is the greatest film ever made or the greatest single event in human history.


I didn't find Jesus, but I did find it helpful finding the barfbag in the seat in front of me after seeing this "triumph". I can't believe your a film theory professor at any level if you show this dog and pass up a masterpiece like Manos: the Hands of Fate!


you're right, I'm not a professor. You're also right that Manos: The Hands of Face Domiates this movie.


this is quite possibly the best thread on


I agree, B-Movies are much fun to argue for. There are people (like me) in the "so bad it's good" camp and others in the "it was a horrid movie that burned my eyes" camp and finally there is a third but very small group for this movie called the "I loved it" group, this third group may need mental help but I won't fault a person based on their individual tastes.


Why am I detecting sarcasm in this thread? I really thought this movie was amazing... you don't need to insult me for it. Time will tell which movie lasts longer. I guarantee you that people will be saying that this is a far more memorable film than either Turbulence 1 or 2. Ray Liotta could never pull off the performance that Rutger Hauer did.

Does anyone know where I can find the dvd? I gave my copy to the local shelter to borrow... turns out they threw it away because they didn't have a dvd player. I want to buy them a copy, as well as a dvd player. I really think the inspiring work of Montesi and character of Slade Craven can inspire these people to "take off" in life.


I have to agree with the above poster that this is one of the best threads on Wow this is some funny stuff


... Tears rolling down my face... I can't stop laughing.

... best... thread... ever...


you, my friend, are a true genius.




rdhurt and keven-933's posts are indeed genius.


Yes this thread should become documented as the GOAT thread on (And I’m glad it was to some point). As a fine example of the best brilliantly written trolling/sarcasm — whatever you want to call it, when commentary board was just launched and took off by storm.

