MovieChat Forums > John Q (2002) Discussion > His wife is so butt ugly...

His wife is so butt ugly...

Simply put...especially when she cries, good god


I totally disagree.






she varied...
Ha! I remember her from some other movie...she does have an unusual face. Not very hollywood.

In this one it was like...In the first kitchen scene I was thinking, wow the person who did her make-up should get an award. And then on the baseball field she looked nice. Then later on they seemed to decide to let her go more natural. Maybe fitting in with her stressed situation.

Your daughter ate my Toblerone!!!




Black dude here. I agree that that chick who played his wife was not that attractive. Im watching the movie now and the first thing I thought was "wow, they couldnt find a much more attractive wife for one of the sexiest men in Hollywood?" Then again, I suppose that they wanted to have a more empathetic family as even Denzel looked bummy. LOL

Though, since we're talking in generalizations I'd just like to say that in general the standards of beauty are controlled by the media (which is pretty much controlled by white people), whats responsible for moulding a significant chunk or societies perceptions in general about beauty.

Currently that seems to be heavily faked-up make-up wearing, straight hair having, slanky, cocktail dress wearing whores. Currently I live in a modern, "forward-thinking", trendy, major metropolitan majority white and that's exactly what is predominant here while I must say even I am indoctrinated to a degree and I'd say that year in the conventional sense those white girls are beautiful. Though, I know it's not real, once they take off the caked on make-up and lose the hair straighteners and bleach there nothing but low-level busted gremlin scrubs. Their chernobyl chemical-laden radioactive faces and short dresses only go so far as usually they do tend to be incredibly ditzy, vapid, and bore to talk to not to mention those chemicals on their face makes them all saditty (at least in this city)! Those white girls are pretty much only good for one thing... being used on a boxspring.

Then again it comes to preferences. I think white girls are much much uglier (makeupless especially) than most Asian girls. Even then that's preference I think East Asians (the ones who like to pale as possible) are not as pretty as the Southeast asians (tan to dark region). Eh...lifes a gamble.

(and yes I dont care who you ask, Beyonce, Gabrielle Union, and Christina Milian are gorgeous! Rhianna is alright when she hides that bigass forehead).

I just got to the part where that "blonde" chick wearing the minijeans and high heels the movie took off her wig, and even my white roomate is kinda like "meh she needs to put that wig back on"


SpencerNolanRice, i think my friend you have won yourself a hearty beating. Please do not reproduce. If you have children already, just make sure they are sterilized.

"Hey guys! Whoa, Big Gulps huh? All right! Well, see ya later!" Dumb & Dumber


I'm not trying to be racist either. I just find black women, in general, to be very unattractive and so many are self-entitled, loud and very annoying.

wow...I hope you are sterile

I'm too cool for a signature bitches!



What a piece of *beep* you are -- not for having your opinion, but not caring that you are saying something that's definitely going to offend others.


"Butt ugly" is probably the best way to describe her. She's hideous when she cries, too.

You're as obvious as Quentin Tarantino's foot fetish.


Nobody looks good when they cry. Come now.


They uglied her down for this movie, for sure. She has a lot of interesting features....It's like her face parts don't all match up if that makes sense! However, in diary of a mad black woman, Kimberly Elyse is gorgeous IMO!! Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. I am a white woman and I asked my husband what he thought of her and his words...she wasn't the prettiest thing but she wasn't butt @$$ ugly either. He agree she was hawt in Diary.
On another note, why do people have to say stuff like "all black women are ugly anyway"? That's just rude, even if you think that, keep your ignorance to yourself. God forbid you get burned while saving the life of a family trapped in a burning car or house and someone calls you ugly!! Spencer, maybe you need to broaden your horizons a little bit. If you get out of the one-horse small town and realize that the big, black wolf doesn't exist, you may enjoy all of Gods people! I have a friend that has a lot of features like Elyse, odd looking nose, large mouth and odd shaped face. She is a wonderful, mother, coworker and friend and THAT is what makes her beautiful. Oh yeah and she doesn't look like everyone else too. Ya know...there was a man that deemed certain "across the line" features to determine what pretty people are. I think his name is Hitler. Blonde hair, blue eyes were his "thing." Thank God, he's dead since I have brown hair and green eyes. Just food for thought. sorry to get off topic. wait no I'm not...a defense was needed.

