Surprisingly good.

When I write 'surprisingly' I mean because it's so unknown. I liked the characters and script and the sense of poignancy that the film evokes.
The journey by car is obviously a metaphor regarding the moving away from pervious lives and, although, it's a simple one, it works.

This film reminded me of 'Fun' and 'Suburbia' in some ways although it's a lighter movie in tone. That said, I felt the sex scenes, short as they were, seemed out of place; as if at odds with the rest of the film. They didn't spoil it but I didn't think they worked in terms of the characters growth. It's possible to also say they had they been longer they might have fit in more but I'm not sure: it just seemed a clumsy effort at showing us something we didn't need to see.

Overall this is a worthwhile film and I would love some similar recommendations regarding alienation for alternative characters in America.
