
What would this be rated and why


If this film had been sent to the MPAA it would have received an R rating for language. The "f-word" is used eight times, and the PG-13 limit is three.


That is pretty intresting trivia, I have heard the F word used in movies that are rated PG-13 before, and I had to wonder before just how many times it can be used and still get a PG-13 rating, before it gets the R rating. And I have heard it used plenty of times, in an R rated movie, and there is no limit, I guess. I have the movie, in fact I just recently have pursched it on dvd, so I should watch it soon, even through how long the movie is.


Gunner palace used the "F-Word" 40-something times, and thats PG-13.


Gunner Palace was originally rated R. It was overturned on appeal.


Hero (1992) with Dustin Hoffman uses the F-word and its derivatives 11 times. The highest amount I know of in a PG-13 rated movie.

