How did it end?

Yesterday I saw this movie on tv(in Kuwait)for the first time and really liked it, but I missed the ending since I couldn't stay awake past 2 am. The last thing I saw was Maris's wife comforting him after he failed to score his #60. Saw what happened at the very end? I'd really appreciate it if someone could fill me in.


he hit 61


It ended w/Maris hitting 61 in 1961, then it jumped to the 1990s when Marc McGuire broke Maris' record (62 in a single-season). It also showed Maris' widow, Pat, watching the game on TV w/tears streaming down her cheeks, & footage w/Maris' kids @the game, too.


I really liked how Crystal portrayed everything through the memories of Pat Maris as she watched McGwire hit #62.


With apologies, but obsessed with statistics like every baseball fan, I have to add that McGwire finished the 1998 season a few weeks later with 70 home runs.

Also, this was a very good movie.

Free Katie Holmes!


70 home runs and 185 steroid injections.


I heard that Maris got the record back due to the fact that Mark and Barry were on steroids


Haven't heard that one. I doubt that baseball would do that even though I support it. Maris was treated shamefully by baseball and the media and his memory is head and shoulders above any of the drug users of today.


yeah maris did indeed get his record back.....but he never lived to see that day


He always had the record...just with that asterisk beside it.


No he didn't nor will he ever. His kids are pushing for it, but due to the fact that McGwire was never tested for steriods nor has Bonds. Simply put, McGwire beat him usuing a legal hormone, Andro, and Bonds has yet to test positive.


I was talking about before Mark McSteroid & Barry Hypodermic came along. When Maris hit 61 he did hold the record, albeit with that stupid punctuation mark next to it.


I have heard a couple of well-known sportswriters say that there never was an asterisk, but rather two records noted. I have never actually seen the Big Book Of Baseball Records. So I have no idea what the truth is. Does anyone actually know?

You were borned in your shellnut without any free logic, didn't you?


Yes, Ruth's record remained...with no annotation. Maris' record (the real one) had the asterisk. Baseball treated Ruth like crap after he retired but fought like hell to keep his record intact.


Yes, I agree. But after Ruth died he was treated like a god, and Maris was treated like crap. After Maris died he was treated like a hero, and the asterisk was removed. Now every one of the players to exceed Maris' single season record are either suspected of cheating or known to be cheaters. It seems the only player to both hold a home run record and be widely admired in his lifetime is Aaron. Aaron certainly deserves it, but I wish that Maris had lived long enough to have been able to see some of it as well.


That's correct about there never being an asterisk in the actual record book. They were listed as separate records.

However, the asterisk was used, not in the record book, but in reference to Maris' record. The asterisk was used to indicate that Maris hit it in 162 games (or whatever the number was) while Ruth hit his in 154 games.

The baseball powers that be FINALLY set the record straight in, I believe, 1990 -- three years after Maris died -- and gave Maris the sole record until it was broken.


Thats not true even though i wish it was. Baseball only seems to test non-big names for steroids. Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire should both be banned from baseball and whoever else over abuses steroids, its just not fair to the players who play the game the right way.


Mark McGwire (Note: Not McGuire) is retired


I agree. Interestingly, when I watched the coverage of the 2006 Inductions into the Baseball Hall of Fame, i saw a poll on ESPN about McGwire. He's eligible to be inducted as early as next year, and they polled people on when they thought he'd get in. The choices were 2007, 2008, 2009, or never. Over 60 percent said never. I'm gonna have to lump myself in with that 60 percent. I mean, they won't let Pete Rose, one of the greatest players ever, in. To think they'd let a juicer in? I don't care if it's legal steroids or not.


Maris should get it back. McGwire and Bonds were on steroids... and Sosa used a corked bat. HOMERUN CHAMPION OF ALL-TIME: Roger Maris- 61.


Absolutely. Amen, bro.


Although I see this post is nearly 10 months old, I just saw 61* so I'm only now joining the discussion. I'm not a huge baseball fan, but what Sosa and McGwire did was shameful and their records should be retroactively revoked. I hope Roger Maris does get into the Hall of Fame for his honest, genuine hard work.

