enough of this show!

This show is so old, boring and stupid for lack of better words. It seems Univision doesn't have enough creative talent to replace this show...and send "Don Francisco" back to Chile.

To err is human....to moo bovine.



i agree. its very stupid


people who watch it are stupid... people who makes it are geniuses


Those who agree it's stupid, are probably stupid themselves. You must be a sad sorry bunch.

If you don't like it, don't watch it! Watch your brainless soap operas, your brainless reality TV, or your pornos, or whatever else you do.


if they cancel the show, my saturdays would no be the same, this show is part of our lives, if they cancel it, it'd be like losing an arm or leg, lol.


If you don't like it then don't watch it, go do something more productive on your Saturday night, better yet turn the channel to something more of your likeness.

I do have to agree that the show has changed a lot and it has it's episodes where I sure switch the channel to something else, because overall some stuff don't really interest me.

I grew up watching this show with my family ever Saturday night, a nice family time in the living room. So this show does have personal value to me and i'm sure to thousands of other people, if not millions as it's been one of the longest variety show on TV, at least on the Spanish network.

I think this show will eventually go away as soon as Don Francisco retires, or decides to leave the show for good. There is no way this show could possibly survive without it's original host. This man has been on the show since day one and no one has been able to replace him, I'm not even sure there has been an episode where he's been absent.

Aside from everything, this show has comedy that sure fits every taste. It has fun game shows that catch your attention. Celebrity guests that any fan enjoys to see.

The show use to be more family orientated back in the 90s early 2000s because it was a lot more censored. Now the show has grown a little more into the adult comedy. Still censoring them selves enough that it makes for good family television, but still it's mostly comedy that appeals to adults. Still a good show that evolves every so many years.


don francisco rules.

'The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.'-Al McGuire



Well after 10 years you finally got your wish.

