Does anyone know if the last seven episodes of series one has been released anywhere? I got volumes 1 and 2 (the episodes were thrown around in the wrong order, by the way) but I can't seem to track down the last episodes that tie up the first season. Does anyone know where I can get these?


Only Alliance Atlantis has the authority to release these and I do not know if there is a plan to release the seven excluded episodes, WIS (Western International Syndication in the USA may be able to release the other episodes, you will also be able to get the complete season one set in Australia very shortly from Force Entertainment in that country. In German speaking Europe DVD rights are held by TeleMunchen in Munich and in French Speaking Europe DVD rights are held by Elipse distribution.

If enough people e-mail, write or call these guys the DVD's will come out!


Thanks for providing that info Philip. Great post!


Philip, do you know of any websites that carry the complete first season ? I can use any region DVD. So far I haven't found any Australian sites that carry it.




Hi 'dawnhc4',

I've been doing some freelance work on the Starhunter DVD set from Force Entertainment. All is going smoothly and we expect the DVD set to be ready by late January 2006.

No plans yet to follow up the set with Starhunter 2300, but we'll see how things go after the first season has hit the shelves.


Hi there.

Here is the info from Force Entertainment on Starhunter.

It is indeed available in Australia in March and it will be available for purchase closer to the time on www.discentertainment.com.au


The year is 2275. Earth has almost successfully colonized the entire solar system, but our reach has surpassed our grasp. Any semblance to law is unreliable, and things are dangerous and final out on the frontiers of space. As the colonies continuously push further and further out from Earth, lawlessness and crime expand right along. With the vast distances between Earth and its colonies, policing has become a very real problem. The use of private forces like bounty hunters, known as 'Starhunters', has become common practice. Their job is to bring to justice the epidemic of criminals terrorizing the colonies.

22 x 60mins

Dante and Luc go to pick up a war criminal, Novak, on Pluto. Luc finds out some information on the Divinity Cluster from Novak. Novak sacrificed thousands of lives trying to discover the truth about the Divinity Cluster. On the Tulip, Percy and Caravaggio encounter a 2D computer virus, Billy Ray, who is sent onboard by Novak.

There is a short circuit on the Tulip, which sparks an old section of the ship to life. Colonel Bramwell, who was in cryogenics for 50 years, is awakened and believes the Tulip is still his ship and that they are still at war with the Raiders. With the help of Bramwell and Elektra (a Raider women they are transporting to prison), Dante plans to attend a Raider gathering under disguise.

Dante, Luc and Percy pick up two cousins, Jeremy and Allister MacNaughton, to transport them to a prison. Jeremy charms Percy and convinces her he is innocent. Because of Percy’s naivety and trust, Jeremy and Allister are able to break free. "Trust" us on this one...

Dante and Luc go to Mars to pick up Etienne who is wanted on various counts of fraud. Percy, who is on the Tulip, blows up a Raider ship that was moving towards Dante, Luc, Etienne and Brad who are in the Martian desert. Dante and company approach the destroyed ship and find Telus and Jeb in the wreckage. On first sight of Jeb, Dante believes this boy could be his son, Travis.

Rudolpho instructs the crew to pick up a man for murder. When a 2D image is displayed, Luc is astonished to see that it is her ex-husband, Eric. Eric, a serious gambler, had his debt bought off by a scientist who injects him with a deadly compound. In self-defense Eric kills the scientist and heads off in a ship on a suicide mission into an asteroid field. The crew of the Tulip race to stop him before he completes his suicide mission.

Luc reunites with her father, Darius, who sends her and the crew of the Tulip on a mission to capture a geneticist, Eccelston. Eccelston discovered the alien gene cluster, named the Divinity Cluster, and is believed to know the true purpose of this gene. Dante and Percy reunite with MacDuff, Percy’s Godfather, who is also on a mission to capture Eccelston.

Dante and company are after Harman who is wanted for numerous charges. Harman is also wanted by the Orchard as he plays a major role in the Divinity Cluster research. The Orchard ship, which is following the Tulip, contacts Luc and asks her to bring Harman to them once he is caught. The Tulip attaches itself to Harman’s ship and Harman escapes onto the Tulip. He runs into Percy and takes her hostage and demands that they arrange a meeting for him with Darius.

Dante and company are after Harman who is wanted for numerous charges. Harman is also wanted by the Orchard as he plays a major role in the Divinity Cluster research. The Orchard ship, which is following the Tulip, contacts Luc and asks her to bring Harman to them once he is caught. The Tulip attaches itself to Harman’s ship and Harman escapes onto the Tulip. He runs into Percy and takes her hostage and demands that they arrange a meeting for him with Darius.

The crew hears a radio transmission about a spacecraft that is heading into the sun. In the spacecraft there are approx 500 religious cult members who are on a mass suicide mission into the sun. The leader, Brother 13, his bodyguard, Jakob and Brother 13’s ‘wife’, Marina, escape right before the ship is engulfed by the sun. The Tulip’s crew picks up Brother 13, Jakob and Marina. Luc becomes brainwashed by Brother 13’s special power which seems to have Divinity Cluster influence.

The crew of the Tulip pick up Petrakis who has escaped from a prison. While transporting him, the Tulip is commandeered by Special Forces. Major Wayne and his Commandoes bring aboard a young ghostlike and supernatural girl, Ire, who is to be transported to a maximum isolation facility as she is believed to have been in contact with a deadly virus. Ire exhibits exotic powers as the Tulip seems to be behaving strangely.

Percy is sent to Oberon jail because of a bribe by bounty hunters, Maks and Rex. To get Percy out of jail, Dante must break Rex’s brother, Goran, out of the most dangerous prison in the universe. It's a mad game of prison ins and outs as Dante and Percy learn the horrors of outpost jails.

The crew of the Tulip is transporting Etienne to a prison when they get a distress call from a ship carrying Devon and his son Ryan. After they bring Devon and Ryan aboard the Tulip, Dante notices they are being followed by the Raiders. The Raiders transmit that they will leave the Tulip alone if they hand over Ryan. Devon informs Luc that Ryan has a brain disorder and was stolen by the Orchard. Luc realizes that Ryan has come in contact with the Divinity Cluster. Etienne reveals to Luc that he is an Orchard agent.

Dante, Luc, and Percy pick up Nasreen, who is wanted for murder, and her son, Ajit. By shining a beam of light from her bracelet to Dante’s eyes, Nasreen is able to control Dante’s mind so that it is impossible for him to disobey her. Percy feels a romantic connection between Ajit and her.

Rudolpho sells the Tulip to Max and his wife, Zelda, who decide to turn the ship into a prison. Dante and Luc pretend that they would rather work for Max than work for Rudolpho. Meanwhile, Percy is creating problems on the ship so that Max will believe the Tulip is under too much disrepair for it to be a profitable prison. Luc and Dante seek "help" from the Orchard.

Percy falls under the influence of hip, fashionable teen-aged girls travelling with their father, who is escaping from mobsters he stung in an extortion scam...and there's more danger lurking from all sides...

Dante meets up with an old friend, Ike, who believes the Raiders are after him because he knows the whereabouts of special seeds that will grow anywhere. He asks Dante for help but just as they are about to leave, Ike is murdered. Dante proceeds to investigate the murder, the seeds, the Raiders and quite possibly the location of his missing son Travis.

Darius and Luc tell Dante about the Divinity Cluster. Darius asks Dante to help him on their search for information about the Divinity Cluster. In return for Dante’s help, Darius offers to help him search for his son, Travis. After Darius leaves, Luc discloses that she does not fully trust her father. She will play along with Darius and the Orchard; however, they will work on their own. As Darius’s ship leaves, they get a big surprise.

As the crew searches for a lab that is known to be involved in warping space, the Tulip encounters serious problems.The engines go offline, one of the reactors quits and the Tulip heads on a course straight into Triton. While trying to fix the reactor, Percy gets trapped in the Lookout without proper oxygen. Dante tries to save Percy but fears it is too late. The only thing that can save her is the very thing messing everything up - Time Warps...As the crew searches for a lab that is known…As the crew searches for a lab that is known…

Caught in separate Bubble Universes, Dante, Percy and Luc each try to find a way to escape the brutal serial killer, Five. To free the Tulip from the time warps, Percy instructs Caravaggio to destroy the Tulip immediately after she is through the warp. The Tulip is blown up in a massive explosion and a new Tulip emerges. Percy then arrives into the same universe as Dante. Time, however is no one's slave...

The Orchard kidnaps Dante to find the missing terraforming seed which was left on the Tulip unbeknownst to their crew. Luc and Percy are left to die by the kidnappers. Just when things couldn't get any worse, in come the Raiders...

Percy has run off with the Raiders. Dante meets his son Travis, 10 years after he was kidnapped by them. The reunion Dante had become a Bounty Hunter to instigate has finally arrived. Could the Orchard and the Raiders be far behind?

Welcome to the nightmare that is Dante's inferno... Seneca poisons Earth’s atmosphere and Eccleston returns from hyperspace to warn humanity that the Divinity Cluster exists to revive an extinct Alien race. Join us in this special season finale.


This site has the boxset advertised (Region 4, Australia). It has terrestrial stores in Australia and has been around for years, so it's reputable enough:



Another thing - all DVD releases so far have the episodes in worng order which skews the emotional development of characters and story badly. Just so you know if your a stickler about the story,Hi Guys, the actual correct order of Starhunter season one is:

1) The Divinity Cluster
2 Trust
3 Family Values
4 Siren's Song
5 The Man Who Sold the World
6 Peer Pressure
7 Frozen
8 Past Lives
9 Order
10 Cell Game
11 Black Light
12 Goodbye, So Long
13 The Most Wanted Man
14 Half Dense Players
15 Dark and Stormy Night
16 Super Max
17 A Twist in Time (1)
18 Eat Sin (2)
19 Bad Girls
20 Bad Seed (1)
21 Travis (2)
22 Resurrection (3)

Also I hear the show-runner for the series was hospitalized because of surgery for the last four episodes of the series and when he was better re-edited the last 3 episodes to reflect the story better.

The CORRECTED versions, played in second run on Space and related stations in Canada and in second runs in the US. However Alliance Atlantis was still releasing the old edits of Bad Seed, Travis and Resurrection in all DVD sales they are the actual source of all releases. (I hear the producers are pretty unhappy about the correct epispodes not being available).

SPOILER WARNING: For the story picky among us, the main difference (besides quality) is that in the Show-runner's edit (corrected episodes) we understand more than clearly that
(a) Percy has doubts that Travis really is Travis - she suspects an impostor, (b)Dante comes of as a man who desperately needs to believe this is Son and vulnerable to deception.
(c)Travis comes off as someone who believes he is Travis, but find cause to question himself -and what he really knows.
If you know this however, the opening episodes of Season two make a LOT more sense.




You can get the first season in two volumes on amazon for $13.88! Its $6.30 for just one volume(15 eps). I think that is a really great deal.

Faith:I made him an offer he didnt survive


The amazon.com page doesn't give the number of episodes on each volume, but it lists the running time as 360 minutes (eight 45-minute episodes) for vol. 1 and 315 minutes (seven episodes) for #2. Doesn't look like this is the whole series.

We'll just have to wait for that full series set mentioned earlier in this thread. Hopefully it'll be out soon.

By the way, does anyone have any updated information on that set? When will it be released in Canada, if it will be released here at all? (the original partial set is US-only, which is odd because the series itself was a Canadian production.)

EDIT: Apparently, it's due to be released in a couple of weeks: http://tinyurl.com/kcw4c


It seems to be out now, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I live in the US, so I'm going to need to get it off the internet, but it's never in stock at that ezydvd site, and the force entertainment one apparently doesn't even sell it, though the price is listed. Does anyone know of any other websites selling the season one box set?

EDIT: I found it. If anybody wants to import it, you can find it in stock here:


I think it's only about $40 US, and the format will work in most North American DVD players.


BAH! Fullscreen.. this was produced in WIDESCREEN format when shown in the UK. I guess I'll just have to make my own...


I just bought the "Complete Series" on DVD today for a great price and it looks great from what I have seen so far....I would be upset if I had children watching it with me though (the nudity being a key issue for parents-when I become one....I am old enough, but I have to finish college first)

Proud Member of the H.S.M. Haters Club and most of the new movies


Just noticed that Amazon.com has a new listing for a Starhunter DVD to be released from 'Echo Bridge Home Ent' on Jan. 16, 2007:


I'm guessing (as Echo Bridge did the last two U.S. DVDs) that this will contain the 'lost' 7 episodes.


All we know from the current listing as of the date of this post, is that there are 4 discs in this U.S. January 2007 release. I hope that this means all 22 episodes, but who knows. To date, the US release (no Canadian release yet, despite this being a Canadian series!) has 15 episodes divided between 2 separate discs. The Australian set of 2005 had the whole series, but on 6 discs. We need more information on this latest release. In the meantime, I'm keeping my vhs taped copies from the tv.


The new release from Echo Bridge has been delayed, but when it happens it will be complete series (22 episodes) set with new widescreen transfers at a much better bitrate than the previous releases. This will mark the first time north americans can see the widescreen version.


I understand fan from comments on the official web site that the COMPLETE season one is available in a nicely packaged DVD recently released in Australia...


Well, I was able to get an e-mail out to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment (who also goes under the name of Platinum Disc Corporation). They basically said that the release date is being pushed back indefinitely but it will definitely include all 22 episodes and possibly some bonus features. I am covering the whole boxset release on my Starhunter fansite: www.starhunteronline.co.nr. Feel free to check out the website, we have a growing online community that includes message boards and a chat room. Anyways, if I get anymore updates on the release, you will be able to see it on my site.


Amazon.com has Starhunter 2300 and on May 29 of this year they will have the complete first season with all 22 episodes on Region 1. Hope that helps.

Take care,


Season 1 of Starhunter (not Starhunter 2300) is now available from Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and is sold at Best Buy, Amazon, DeepDiscount, etc...

All of the Season 1 episodes are in the set and the compression quality is significantly better than the old Platinum Disc Corporation (company was acquired by Echo Bridge) versions.

The only 2 major complaints I have about the new set are these:
1) The episodes are in production order, not air date order...therefore, the pilot episode "Divinity Cluster" is 4th in the set; however, this doesn't seem to be too bad.

2) There is some noise in some scenes, particularly noticable in black scenes (and in space scenes). It would have been nice to see some cleanup performed.


Having just picked the new set up, the other day. I'd have to add a couple more complaints...

1. The aspect ratio is wrong, for some reason they've released it fullscreen.

2. And the really big one IMHO,is the fact that the set is in mono. That's what really has irked me the most, it's just such a huge difference.



Here's a link to the 6-disc Australian Release:


It's fullscreen however and doesn't mention any extras.

"Oh, I did my thesis on life experience." - Anonymous Harvard Guy, The Simpsons.


K-Mart has both seasons for $5 a piece. There are 10 episodes on season 1 and 12 on season 2. Great price.....
