A Matter of Nipples

I read a general statement somewhere about sci-fi shows made for both the U.S. and European markets that they are often edited into two versions- a more sexually-explicit European version and a more violent American cut.

It is hard to see how they could take the violence out of Starhunter- frequent shooting and fisticuffs being central to the plot- but here in America when the show aired it had any (female) nudity edited out (as well as the time-consuming introductory Rudulpho-monologues).

In the episodes on the U.S.-released DVD's, however, there are intact nipple-shots in "The Divinity Cluster" and "Cell Game" while in the Australian DVDs the same shots are either cropped out or an alternate shot is substituted.

There may be others but I am not such a perv to go frame by frame through each ep. looking for them. I just think it is interesting that two versions were made of episodes with female nudity and that both the "censored" and the "explicit" ones have been released... albeit on two seperate continents!

I might also add that this nudity, at least in "Cell Game," is NOT gratuitous. ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** On Dante's night in prison, he is approached by a rather unattractive female inmate. She sits next to Dante and in the audio on both versions she says "I want to be your girlfriend, or else they will decide." On the U.S. DVD she then lifts her shirt to expose her breasts. On the Australian disc, however, a shot of her legs is substituted. Without the footage of the woman exposing herself it is difficult for the viewer to fully appreciate Dante's shocked-yet-noble response, the leering faces of the other male inmates, and the over-arching comment on the woman's cruel fate of having to prostitute herself for protection or be raped.


I noticed the nudity too as far as the two episodes, but both IMHO were rather tastefully done as was the supposed three-way in one of the two (will not spoil beyond that). This is the way they came on the American version, and you're right, it wouldn't make sense to crop to a shot of the one woman's legs as far as "Cell Game" - they could've cropped it tighter to make that less of an issue.

As far as the violence - no you can't as easily edit it, given that pretty much every episode one of the three or all of them tended to get knocked unconscious (Dante usually the worst of the lot).

I actually enjoy the series just because it is a good gritty sci-fi, with a more realistic feel along the lines of "Firefly."
