MovieChat Forums > Cheats (2002) Discussion > not so far from fiction

not so far from fiction

i currently go to highschool and these guys remind me of...well me. ive run every scam in the book. i get kids out of school, steal books and sell them right back to the guy, take tests, change grades. i usually work alone, but after seeing this movie i tried the teen crisis scam and must say it worked well, i didnt use the gay one i jus said my parents fight a lot and what not. this works well. its easy to cheat in school



i only cheat on quizzes or little tests

i would never cheat on the Mid-Terms os SAT's or something

that s*** will get ur life screwed up


urboderline,u r the shiz.i wuld do that stuff,but wuld need a crap load of pointers.



hah thats awesome! I know if i ever tried to do something like that instead of pulling some elaborate cheeting scheme i'd probly just end up messing it up.


Also there comming out with a new movie that has sort of the same plot as cheats called "The perfect score" But i doubt it will be as good. I don't think anything could top Cheats in the "best cheater movie" catagory.


so true.



well, this movie was based on four actual guys - if you get the dvd watch the extras

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.


I just saw this movie a few days ago for the 1st time and i have to say thatyou are right, it isnt so far from fiction. i never personally cheated on any tests cuz for some reason if i studied then i woudnt do as well as just going in blind, lol. However, i did let a girl in my history class copy off my tests senior year. she payed me like $4 a test. I didnt do it to help my chances with her, i didnt even like her, i just needed the money, lmao.


I beg to disagree, the best Cheaters film ever would have to go to Slackers, much more interesting and funny although it does go a bit into the gross out genre, which I don't like but don't mind in that particular flick because well, it's funny. And if anything else, Devon Sawa is a good actor and it's got Older Pete of Pete and Pete fame.


hmmmm Never seen Slackers, I'll have to check it out. I love Devon Sawa.


i have totally stolen the idea of gum wrapper crib sheets

I feel that a person should run only when he's being chased.
Being chased. I like that.


I've also seen both and would definitely have to go with Cheats as the better cheaters film. I wasn't really impressed by Devon Sawa's acting though the older Pete was definitely quality. I was just interested the whole time during Cheats and definitely can't say the same about Slackers.


i havent seen slackers or the perfect score, but from what i've seen it seems as tho those movies are basically about the people themselves, and cheats seems more like its ABOUT the actually cheating, techniques, etc.

i'm actually a master of lying, deception, cheating, etc. myself, and one of the reasons i'm glad this movie didnt get so much hype is because i woulda never thought about like the gum wrapper or the teen crisis. i knew alot of the other rules like never EVER get 100%. well anyway, if it WAS a huge movie, too many people would be attempting this and it would be easier to get caught.


I never cheat on a test myself but I help others. I use the gum wrappers and what not. I love this movie and I love what I do. Cheating rocks!


How can anybody be proud of being a cheater? That's just lame.

"An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind"


This post was f-ing lame as hell...cheating rocks! whoo hoo!!! loser. I cheated in school out of necessity but I never bragged about it, that is super lame.

I never cheat on a test myself but I help others. I use the gum wrappers and what not. I love this movie and I love what I do. Cheating rocks!

"I hope your apple pie is freakin worth it!" -D


uborderline is a liar. I went to school with him and he was a huge nerd. He stayed home and studied instead of going out and partying. And in a desperate attempt to be cool, he'd let the popular people cheat off him.


Slackers is awesome, but Cheats is definitely better

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


I know this isn't really cheating pursue but I know someone who changes grades on Report Cards and makes a fortune.

"This woman was wearing a pair of sandals, which are always a sure sign of trouble."
