
I Just saw this movie, I enjoyed it. But the what one thing pis.sed me off. Mikey.. Not just the character, but the actor. I know I may get some heat because of this, since he's just a kid, but I thought he was a HORRIBLE actor. There are plenty of other young actors way better than him. Yeah yeah, he's just a kid, but it sorta ruined the movie for me, I basically couldn't watch whenever he was in a scene. And his character was a moron, Consuelo was nice to him all along and he had her fired. Worst part of the movie to me.

Anyone have the same feeling? Sorry, but something about him just annoyed me.

--I'm from Brazil, but my computer isn't made out of coconuts, sorry.--



Interesting, maybe he tried to make the viewers dislike him cause he knew he'd die in the end. About the actor, I don't think he was perfect cause he was a pretty bad actor. I'm trying not to be too hard on him since he's a kid, but the way he spoke wasn't natural at all, you could tell he was "acting". Don't know, good movie, bad kid.

--I'm from Brazil, but my computer isn't made out of coconuts, sorry.--


There are actually kids who speak like that. While not acting.


We weren't supposed to like him. The little brat was meant to induce feelings of loathing.



I really disliked the character, but I believed he did a good job. I've seen him in other works and even as he got older, his voice was different from that of the "average boy", the way he talked in the movie was the way he talked in real-life back then.



You're whole post is garbage. You talk about how bad the actor who plays Mikey is, but you don't say one thing about why he's bad. Instead, you talk about why you don't like his character.

Please stop posting.


If you think he was a bad actor, cue up Exorcist: The Beginning and watch the talentless little moron in THAT thing. You'll think Mikey was Sir Laurence Olivier.


I think the actor playing Mikey did a good job. THIS CHARACTER WAS JUST LIKE THIS BRAT I USED TO BABYSIT IN NEW JERSEY!!

I think the director is spot-on about capturing certain characters who are very unlikeable and who make us feel uncomfortable.

Bravo, Todd Solondz!!


I feel that Mikey's character was meant to be devoid of most human emotion. He is selfish, borderline evil really. That hallowness is reflected in his performance. My personal opinion, the kid played the part perfectly. He seems like a little bastard with absolutely nothing but self-serving intentions.


You think his acting is bad in this movie? Watch Palindromes.

Jesus would back me up on this I think.
"Dually noted." - My boss


I'm actually kinda with you. The kid talked like a robot. I mean, I don't know that that was necessarily supposed to be part of his character or not. I could see how that might be something the director wanted, but it was almost TOO over the top. Too unbelievable that a kid would act like that.

I mean I've known rich kids, I've known kids who got every single thing they ever wanted and never had to work a lick for it. I've lived around them, I went to school with them, sh!t I even taught them. But even as kids they didn't sound like little robots. I don't know, maybe the kids I knew weren't upper-middle-class enough, lol.

I could see how someone could have a valid complaint about the little kid.

"That was so bad I think it gave me CANCER!"



I mean in retrospect, considering EVERYTHING was over the top, it was okay the kid was over the top, but I stil think the guy has a valid complaint. I mean whether or not that was what Solondz wanted, the kid did talk like a robot.

I mean if the director WANTS his actors to suck, doesn't that make HIM sucky?

"That was so bad I think it gave me CANCER!"


I actually thought he was very good in that role. Yes, like everyone else I hated the character, but I thought the actor did a great job of portraying a precocious little manipulator. I've met kids like that, the ones who make you wonder if they aren't secretly very young-looking 30-somethings. The kid in The Ring is the same way.


this kid was perfect.
