I liked the movie!

After reading some reviews here on the board, I'm surprised how much I was captured by this movie. it was fast paced, shocking, with explicit sex and crazy violence. these people are not sane in the first place, so when other people complain how unrealistic it is, remember the type of low-lifes the movie is protraying. I agree, if it was acting, it wasn't well done, but I feel it was showing people in their natural manner, therefore they didn't need to "act."
The sex was fine for me. i like to see cox being sucked well; penetration is the best part of intercourse, and the kinkiness of ripping a hole in the pantyhose turned me on. and the raped girls WERE lucky, as the guys coulda poked them in the arse, which is REALLY painful. the small one, being unemotional during her rape, got off easy because her rapist quit shortly after beginning.
disappointed, tho, the movie didn't show the ladies sexing one another.
i imagine people will crap about the opinion of this 48 y/o bi female. bring it on!


Just what the hell are you talking about???????
this movie is worse than deep throat or the ilsa series,
or crap like the 100 days of sodom or whatever is called
go see a shrink or stick to XXX !


I second that motion. This is pure unadulterated sexploitation. The only good thing i sthat its only 75 mins long.

"My name is Jack Carter, and you don't want to know me." Stallone (Get Carter)


It felt much longer thatn 75 minutes...


i guess it can be appreciated for its unusual almost artsiness. for some people seeing violent sex is a turn on? its more of an interest for short men or women who have been single over a year. i would never see this movie again, and i would never suggest someone see it. other than that this movie does prove how crazy people from a 3rd world are.


other than that this movie does prove how crazy people from a 3rd world are.

I cant beleive you said that !!!

Poeple from the 1rst world are more crazy. (Bowling for Columbine rings de bell???)

my God !!!


Also, France is definitely not part of "the third world"!

"I want a mustache damn it! I want to look like Burt Reynolds!"


i kinda liked it! shed a tear at the end :'(


