I know it's mainly men who watch this film, but I wondered what other women think of this crazy, sexy film?

Too violent, girls acting like men, too much penetration...what do you think?

Personally I rate this film about 100% above such as Irreversible because it is so much funnier and yet so much more like real life.

The girls never go after their attackers, they just go after anyone who gets in their way. No malice no hatred...just pure crazed destruction...I find this fascinating in light of the traditional male/female roles.

The friend ship between the girls was so powerful I'm just surprised she didn't pull the final trigger...I would have done would you?




I love Orange too, but because of the totalitarian society it warns against, yeh the airheads are kind of miles off and don't even understand the plot. I gave up posting on that film cos of all the Alex wannabees, they really haven't understood anything.

Yeh I recommend BM but is a very sad film, makes me cry anyhow. The 2 girls are so beautiful, sexy and such good friends.
Is a great shame about the suicide.

It's very rare I think to find a film about very violent women who are also funny, sexy and don't give a *beep*
The film isn't good to watch with your male friends though so be warned, for once this is a chick flick with attitude.

But yeh my fav line from the film...what is that thing between your legs *beep*

You can pick this film up in Virgin as far as I'm aware



I heard the rape scene in Clockwork Orange wasn't really graphic. Why watch it just for that?

No Sparkling Wiggles here!


I'm not too impressed. I've just come to dislike movies where women would rather sink into their depression and PTS instead of seeking help.
I do agree a movie about recovery might not be as entertaining. lol
By emulating the behaviour of their attackers they don't accomplish much except to point out that women are just as capable of snapping and going crazy when it comes to violence, as men are.


TS; I'm with you 100% (and I'm a woman.. and a feminist). Out of the bunch of "those" movies (irreversible & co), this is my second favorite (after ACO). And I definitely agree with you on ACO and the Alex-wannabes who haven't understood the movie at all.

With these kind of movies (I also consider 'Life of brian' to be one of them, violence isn't the only way to force us to think), there are four types of responses:
1) Violence! Blood! Sex!! AWESOME!!! (typically 15 year olds who faps to gore)
2) Violence? Blood? Sex?? HORRIBLE!!! (typically women, especially radical feminists)
3) I get the message, but I feel that there should have been more to this movie.
4) I get the message, this is brilliant.

This movie makes men uncomfortable because they don't want to view women in "that" way - as humans, who are perfectly capable of such heinous behavior.

This movie is very sad, it's also funny, it's thought-provoking, and I think that this is a MUST SEE for all women, especially feminists. But they/we need to chill out and not let the visual aspect get in the way of understanding what this movie is about. It's an extremely important movie imo.

I'm not too impressed. I've just come to dislike movies where women would rather sink into their depression and PTS instead of seeking help.

Uhuh. Did you dislike ACO for the same reason? Irreversible? Salo? Caligola? It has nothing to do with depression or PTS, but I'm glad that you make a point out of them being women - you're halfway there.

By emulating the behaviour of their attackers

They're not. They're emulating typical male roles in "violent" movies. It has nothing to do with their attackers or previous abuse.

they don't accomplish much except to point out that women are just as capable of snapping and going crazy when it comes to violence, as men are.

That's the only thing that the author was trying to point out. What else did you want? Entertainment?


i thought it was a interesting movie as well...nihilism, alienation, unanchored destruction. i'm also impressed with the personnel coming out the porn industry and contributing to the vision (lead actresses and co-director).
