Favorite Season?

Just curious which is your favorite season of Yugioh series?

I always love season 5 (millennium world) because it is different and I like the story about Atem's past - it is pretty interesting.


Season 2 and 3 for me. 1 was decent but the way that it constantly broke the rules more then any other season pissed me off. 4 was very good but I couldn't stand season 5. I just thought it was boring with little substance.


^ Agreed.


Battle City was amazing! should have been how it ended... should have put Waking The Dragons before this and maybe an alternate version of KC tourney.



Easily battle city and battle city finals tied for first, with noah/virtual world second.


I always just assumed in season 1 that the card game was different in the anime than in real life. I liked that about it.

If we're not counting season 0 (which is my favorite, but its pretty much a different series) then i'll go with the Battle City stuff. that was awesome


My favorite was Battle City/Noah/Battle City Finals...that was season 2 right?


Definitely season 2 and 3. Yes, 5 was pretty stupid. Season 1 was also pretty good but so many rules broken lol!


I prefer the first Yugioh series ( or as some people call it, season 0) but if that doesn't counts well, Season 1 and 5. Battle City was boring IMO.

Esta es mi firma


Duelist Kingdom and Battle City were the best storylines in the series. So I pick those seasons.

Jordan > Kobe


The Millennium Arc, because it focused on Atem.

House. My room. Cant walk. My medal. My father. Father, dont!


Duelist Kingdom. While it may be a little jarring to see the game be played in a far more simpler and streamlined way than how it's played for the rest of duration of the series (and indeed IRL), my headcanon easily shrugs this off by rationalising that in-universe, the game simply had a different set of rules prior to Battle City. In any event, while I did avidly play the game as a youngster, I didn't actually watch the show itself for the duels (at least, not primarily for the duels). I mainly watched it for the characters and the storylines.

And in my estimation, the Duelist Kingdom arc, while perhaps a little bit of a step down from it's original Manga iteration, has easily the best storyline, far and away the best villain in the vile Maximillion Pegasus, and overall it just feels fresh and interesting. The only downsides to it are the censorship issues (though this is a problem for every season of this show) and the somewhat rushed animation in the latter half.
