MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! (2001) Discussion > who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yu...

who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yugioh

So, anyone? I'm just wondering cause i think so. AAHHH don't kill me!! *hides from stuff thrown at me* so?..........



It should have been about "Yu-Gi-Oh: The College Years".

I agree

And yes I think GX is a disgrace to yugioh....Although, I probably only feel this way because I miss the old characters. Like Seto for example. I know he's in it a little (and I do mean a little), but that's just not Also I miss the old story line.

Did he really just say that?





GX is okay. Equal to the original characterwise, plotwise, inferior. Jaden blows as far as I'm concerned. They keep playing him up so much to make him out like he really is the next Yugi, but seriously, it's hard to see him in such a light when he's so annoying and arrogant. Yami at least sweated during his duels, Jaden is outright cocky.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



Yeah, I wouldn't mind GX as much, but what is up with the monsters???? Ok, I've only watched it a few times, so I'm not an expert, but those monsters bother me! They just seem weak. And yeah, Jaden bothers me SO much. I get that it's fun and blah blah blah, but shouldn't he take it a little more seriously?And those stupid ojamas. (no clue how to spell that....) They bother me. I just don't like them at all. What is with their underwear things??? Man...they really bother me.....all the monsters just seem so weak. I can't bring myself to understand it. I wouldn't even care if it had an awesome plot. I'm sure the Japanese version is much better, and I'd probably like it better, but I haven't seen it....if it gets better, I'd give it another chance...right now, I'll watch it if it's on and I have nothing else to do, so if it did get better, I'd watch it.

And (I'm so glad I saw this episode....because I'm such a Kaiba it was worth it just to see that part, it was the ep with the space and the dolphin people and whatnot...) what is up with Kaiba looking exactly the same??? (not that I'm complaining....) They even mention that. Is he a robot??? I don't get it.

And this is the show that replaced Yugioh on CN's schedule. (why didn't they finish airing the eps???)

Sorry....I had to rant about just really bothers me.

Do you not know death when you see it?


I totally agree on Jaden. I mean, he duels Dr. Crowler, the Academy's top teacher duelist, in an exam match to determine if he attends the to-ranked Dueling School in the world. Crowler summons a Monster with the power of a Blue-Eyes on his first turn and what does Jaden say?

"I've always wanted to take one on!"

My god, ya know? And the Shadow Games are fun?? Yeah, he and his friends could DIE and the world could be destroyed, so get your game on!

The third season sounds neat. This new teacher, Professor Cobra, starts using special "Dis-Belts" to collect Dueling energy and use it to refuel the birth of his dead step-son. But apparently, after he gets beaten (like I need to say by who...)

Well, Janime is sketchy, but somehow the school and all the students are transported into a desert. One episode mentions a duel against Harpie Lady, and another has Jaden listed as dueling Titan (the Shadow Duelist). So yeah, the third season might save it. I'm wondering, though, how it can go farther, I mean, the school only has a three-year program, what happens when they graduated?

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



COOL!!! So many people!! I just don't like it cause:

1. I miss all the Yamis

2. I just miss all the characters

3. One of Jaden's friend is just a fat ass (whatever his name is)

4. No big danger

5. Not much mystery

6. Not much magic

7. It just sucks (what's with the he-she?)




GX would be better if there was more danger and some sort of mystery to it. I don't know, it just seems so silly next to the original. It's just....what's the point???? And yeah...the lack of sad.....and I still don't get what's up with Kaiba. At least he's in it for a second though....

but in the end, GX just depresses me. It makes me miss the original and it upsets me that they didn't make a better spin off series. You know they could've come up with better stuff. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's just not good.

Do you not know death when you see it?



I'd vote for him!!!!!! That sounds awesome, lol!!!!! Seto would be such a great president....

Do you not know death when you see it?



Lol!!!! It sounds great....

Do you not know death when you see it?



Personally, I don't like GX. Yu-Gi-Oh as a great show with good plot, but like most animated show that do good it gets out of hand then when some one who watched the original looks into what it has becomes finds them selves shooting themselves. GX, to me seems retarded comparied to what the first few seasons were. I have watched maybe three episodes and once I heard them mention the "Great Duel Between Yugi Moto And Seto Kaiba" but every one keeps turning into monster in GX, not to mention their puns suck. Let's take a look at other shows that got *beep* up in later seasons by taking something that was played with in an earlier season:

Yu-Gi-Oh - In a duel with Peagus[i bealieve] Yugi and friends turned into the monsters, now GX does it all the time.

Digimon- The kids join with their digimon in season two, season four was nothing but that.

Power Rangers - Come on it's gone on long enough.

Pokemon - I can't even begin to explain how messed up it is now, but for example the puns suck so bad and Ash's voice isn't the same anymore[one sure fire way to tell the show has gone to sh*t]

As you can tell this is a sesitive subject with me.

Well theres my two cents...more like $25 but what ever.


Yu-Gi-Oh - In a duel with Peagus[i bealieve] Yugi and friends turned into the monsters, now GX does it all the time.

It was in a duel with Bakura.

Anyway....Yes I agree completely with what your saying. I thought I might not like the show just because I missed Yu-gi-oh, but now after watching GX a couple more times I'm pretty sure I don't like it because it's VERY stupid compared to the original.

Did he really just say that?


Now that you say that I remember Ryou was the Change of Heart guy.

Just cause I find you extremely attractive doesn’t mean I won’t have something bad happen!


To people saying Yugi marries Tea, Tea never loved Yugi, she thinks of him as a friend.

Tea is in love with Atem (Yami-Yugi).




i have never seen a single episode of gx cuz i just thoght it was some cheap rip off and i wouldent be bothered to watch it. now i really won't watch it because it sounds like a huge waste of time cuz how can it hold the name yugioh without yugi? any way thats just my opinion


yugioh actually means 'the king of games' in japanese. but i agree yugioh gx isn't as good as the original. and there's no yugi =(


I've never even gotten through a full episode of this YuGiOh GX series before giving up and finding something better to amuse myself with!

I never got the hype about it either, anyways. I don't think the series are really going to go anywhere as it lacks the appeal for me that the original YuGiOh series had. Sad. :(


The problem with yugioh as a whole, not just the anime but the card game, is Jaden. Now Yami was a real hero, he was mysterious, brooding, mature. At times you could forget he was a teenager. Jaden, you still forget, but not in the good way. He looks like such a little kids all the time. Like when he faced that guy who used Ra, Jaden stands there looking like "uh, like, whoa..I', like, screwed, yo.". Yami, in the same situation, he'd be all glaring and gritting his teeth, snarling "you won't get away with this Frantz!". Jaden's a loser Mary-sue. Now, take GX, and replace Jaden with Yami, that lone changes, MUCH beter. Granted, not quite the same as the original, GX has a lot of problems, but Jaden is the main one.

And as I said, he's hurting the card game too. I don't know about you, but I fight the urge to throw up every time I see a set that's half E-Heroes, 45% crap, and 5% playable. Someone should call Konami up: E-Heroes aren't, have never been, and at this rate, never will be good. They could be good, but not the way Jaden plays them. E-Heros are too random to work, and by all accounts any E-Hero deck would lose against a decent one. But Jaden's the Mary-Sue hero. That's the other thing: Yami won all the time because he was that damn good. Jaden wins all the time too, but because he gets lucky. Both of them pull wins from the hat, but at least Yami's hat wasn't up his a$$

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



Agreed. E-Heroes have some good support. The H-E-R-O cards (not counting HERO Flash), King of the Swamp, Miracle Fusion. And some of them have good effects like the two Shining ones, Rampart Blaster and the Wildheart fusions. But yeah, you need lots of support like Fusion Recovry, E-Emergency Call, the the Warrior Returning Alive/Reinforcements of the Army. E-Heroes need so much support there's not much room for anything else.

100 agreed. Jaden needs to grow up and stop being such a lameass.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


Yes. Jaden is just.....urg.....

Do you not know death when you see it?




I think Chazz has more potential than Jaden. He's my favorite character :p

YES. He's a lot more interesting. (he's also my favorite character, and the ONLY reason I try to watch GX) And his jacket is nice. (the black one) (ok, so I like jackets....I admit it....)

Do you not know death when you see it?


Which one is Chazz?

Did he really just say that?


That's a pic of him....and some other info....he's the one with the black hair and the attitude. And the jacket.

Do you not know death when you see it?


OH!!!! OK...I know who your talking about now. Thanks.

Did he really just say that?


No problem. Lol...I wish I didn't watch GX....but since he's been in more eps lately, I keep watching...urg...

Do you not know death when you see it?



Yep. Jaden is just....he just never really takes anything seriously. I can't stand that....

Do you not know death when you see it?


Episode 89 is what they need every episode to be like.

Evil alter-egos, shadows, forbidden decks of darkness, and two old friends duking it out...ah. If only every GX episode had the same drama and plot, it might get somewhere.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


I agree. That was a good episode....too bad they aren't all like that....

Do you not know death when you see it?


If there was a single problem, it was that Nightshroud's return was too short. They should have made the set-up longer, ended the episode with Nightshroud's return, and then done a second part with him in control.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


Yeah. That was too short. It would've been nice if they went into it more.

Do you not know death when you see it?


Yuo know, I just realized: Atticus was stupid, he could have won. Really. If he had attacked the weaker Cyberdark monster, Zane would have lost. He would have to throw out all 33 cards (30+3 that Nightshroud says he has left), and still would have taken 500 damage, leaving him with 800. And then Atticus could have used Dragon Fire's second effect to do 800 damage, reducing Zane to 0 on the nose. Sigh...well, it was a cool episode, even if once again, the better dueling lost.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


Lol!!! I hadn't picked up on that, but that's...well....

But it was a good episode.

Do you not know death when you see it?


GX is great and everything but they should make Yugi, Kaiba and Joey battle again instead of pure cameos




It would be nice if the original characters were in it more.....*cough*I want to see Valon*cough* (well, not only him, but right now that's what I'd like them to

Do you not know death when you see it?



Lol....I like Chazz's jacket.....

Do you not know death when you see it?


Ah, the one good thing about GX, the damn-sexy girls. Don't get me wrong, Tea's still the queen (she's got legs, man!), but what else did the original series have? Serenity, who is too young and has no body anyway, and Mai, who is hot but bitchy. GX, we have Jasmine, Mindy, especially Alexis...hell, even the teacher Fontaine is nice.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.






Well in the subject of what I think the girls of GX should wear...well, I think that about says it :P

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



Given the choice of what to have Alexis wear, I think I'd skip the "wear" idea altogether.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


YuGiHO is so awesome! Only cool kids like Juant and me can play it. I'll come over tomorrow. I'm kidding you really suck. Also leave me alone...and die.

MovieMan80 is Fake-Taco? Wow! i would have never guessed.


yughio is so *beep* awesome!!!!!!!! i have owned those cards since i was 11 years old. such a big fan. anyone else here a fag... i mean fan?

if you didn't get it i was trying to make you say you were gay...


juantgreload is an idiot.



You guys are both idiots.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



What me and Jerry are married? Got a problem with that? I'm kidding were not.

Let me tell everyone on this thread about JuantgreIDIOT

This kid offends people for fun and keeps talking about gay marriage. ALso he is friends with the guy impersonating me (Fake Taco UNDERSCORE Maniac and MovieMan 80, there the same person). This fag has nothing to say except telling everyone to get married.

Also YuGio is probably the gayest thing invented. Whats so fun about playing with cards with gay little monsters on them that have special gay powers. Nancy Drew is not screwed.

MovieMan80 is Fake-Taco? Wow! i would have never guessed. Copy this...loser.


Make up your mind, idiot. You like it, then shuit up and f--k off. You hate it, get a life and you can still f--k off. Loser.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


hey drake clawf uck, *beep* you. you can't even *beep* spell ya moron. why try and make him look like an idiot when you make yourself look like an idiot. what are you 25, 60?

as for you juantGAYload, you are horrible at makeing people feel bad about themselves. if you made feel embarrassed, you would have gotten me off of imdb forever, or gotten of this post...

or gooten me to commit suicide. suicide would be the easiest thing to get me to do.

but actually, i laughed when you attempted to make fun of me. i couldn't believe how much you made yourself look like an idiot.

what's up with giving everyone on this thread a background check on me and Taco. are you afraid that if me and taco start attracting all of the attention that noone will ever want to talk to you ever again? (all the more reason to commit suicide eh?) YOU ARE A FAG!!!!!!!!! so is drake.




You yell at me because I hit the wrong key while spelling shut? You, who's sig is "Sweetolicious", among other errors? Please, tell me what "gooten" means, oh intelligent one. Also, trying some proper punctuation.

You don't like Yugioh, fine, some people don't. You don't need to come trolling on their boards and start bashing others.

As for my age: regardless of what it is in relation to your own, I am for certain for mature than you, so it doesn't matter really. Age is nothing to maturity, something you obviously haven't reached yet.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.



I am for certain for mature than you,

What exactly does this mean? I am not sure. I'm guessing since you can't use proper grammar you are not very old, which means you are not as mature as me.

Solid effort. But in the end you always seem to come out of it an idiot.



That was a spelling error. I meant "more" mature. And besides, maturity is more than writing ability, it's attitude and personality, and yours suck.

And one way or the other, maturity aside, excuse me if I don't accept spelling and grammar advice from someone with your sig.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


Dude, ya just jealous because yo signature is not as good as mine. Yours is horrible.

Let's just thank the Lord Jesus Christ that my signature is not as horrible as... yours.




My sig means something. What the hell is "Sweetolicious"? It's lame, meaningless, pointless and annoying...perfect for you, come to think of it.

And trust me, the way you've been acting here, there's no way God or Jesus is taking your side.

Anyway, don't bother replying. You're on my ignore list, so if you have anything to say, tell it to someone without enough sense not to do the same.

*This* is the show! Its 5 minutes of science, and 55 minutes of me hurting myself.- Adam Savage.


Just because you ignore me does not mean i am gonna to stop posting on here.

I'll tell ya what SWEETOLICIOUS is. It is a word that you wished you could have thought of so you could have put it as yo signature. *sniff* *sniff* is that jealousy i smell? I think so.




Juant, whats up with YuGio and dick with you? Looks like the perfect combination for a fag. Also YuGio sucks.

MovieMan80 is Fake-Taco? Wow! i would have never guessed. Copy this...loser.


Only *beep* retarded child molesters talk about other people's signatures.

I agree with Taco, if i calculate this right:

Yugio lova + dick lova = MAN LOVA!!!!! It's the perfect recipe for a *beep*






Good comeback dumbass. I wish I had the ability to use the same comeback twice.




God dammit you suck at comebacks. Idiot Flakes? Are you serious? You may be retarded in every way possible, but you come up with something better than that. I think you're an idiot, that's what i think.

Errors: Sometime needs an s. What is "you are so idiot"? and "try to make others look idiot"?

HINT: If you're gonna make fun of me, don't make errors. WHY you ask? Because when you make errors, you make yourself look like an idiot. Just a note for future reference.




Oh COME on now give me a break, I'm sorry but you people need to shutup.

Seriously, no matter what side you guys are on you're all acting, mm, what's the word

pretty stupid? You all think eachother are bunch of dumbed down @$$holes, and if so, why the hell do you people bother? I'm quite postive you have SOMETHING, aynthing, better to do



Juantgreloaded, you like crappy anime? lol

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"



Yeah. Just, you know, leave each other alone. I look at my old posts here and feel ashamed. You all should too. Just let it go and stop fighting.

"I object to your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage.


Let me get right on that.

Hola, Juan. Como esta? Yo muy bien. Vete a la mierde. Usted aspira el asno importante.

How do you like me now?



Juantgreloaded and Jerry Vinci go to dancing homosexual there. And they do not stop to shake it! Correctly! Juantgreloaded sounds like to nine an a-yearlyinvalid immigrant. Also it probably pushes its small Penis into the donkey of a man. And you do not let a sucking of the male genital organs forget us!

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"



Man....I leave the board for a while and when I come back all this crazyness is

Do you not know death when you see it?


Flibs, I am not gay. Plus, I hate dancing, even though i do it all the time. Even though it is never in public.

Juantgreload sounds like a man who is probably a 82 year-old virgin who is just looking for scraps.




Actually Juant, why would you watch a show where everytime someone gets mad, sweat bulges from every pore in there body and when they are nervous there eyes turn into lines? Where did you get the penis in my signature from? I think you put that into there. If there are a million guys over the grade seven who play this game, there all gay. I just don't see the point of playing with cards that have gay anime monsters who use powers that don't exist. Juant, judging by how you play with yugioh and all you can say is "penis" and "Son of a bitch" I would say that you are under the age of 12.

Fake Taco Died





He actually attempted to defend himself. I mean, WE'RE ON YUGIO BOARD!!! *beep* YUGIO!!!! COME ON!!!

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


Juant, why do I need to get a life when I don't spend all hours of the day playing with gay cards. YuGio sucks and apparently, you suck. Also your a fag.

Fake Taco Died



"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


How are we all pathetic when you play with gay pieces of Anime? Stop trying to talk nack and insult us. Your just making yourself look like an idiot. Can you honestly think of something better than "born in a dump?" And what does "You you" mean? Can you speak english? I'm kidding you just suck.

Fake Taco Died



"It doesn't has sense, but still, it has meaning."

What the hell does that mean, Juantgreloaded?

Do you know how to speak the *beep* language??!! NO!!! JUST STOP *beep* POSTING!!


"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


It's called sending a private message. I know, it's genius isn't it.


...are you going to make fun of me, juantgreloaded? It's been 6 hours.

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"



"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


I guess since you called me an *beep* the way you always call me an *beep* you're telling me that I am 12 years old? Well I have some news for you mister, try adding 34 years dividing by 2 subtracting 7 multiplying by 4 adding 6 divide by 10 subtract 3 multiply by 30 divide by 6 and then myltiply by 4. That's how old I am you son of a bitch.




No, your screwed because your just a *beep* idiot with no life.




Im stupid if I don't like Anime? How do you like crap like this. Can you honestly like a 6 year old show that is actually meant for young kids? When people run, the backround changes to some blue blur that only shows the character and no surroundings. Also do you think that playing with monsters named "Mystical Demon of Dead"(made it up) or anything else like that is fun? No. Also you like penis. How do you know that Nancy Drew is screwed? Tell that one you Anime loving idiot.

Fake Taco Died


I just want to point out to you that anime tends to be directed toward adult audiences (lots of swearing, adult themes, etc. etc.) and that very much includes YGO (a lot of people get killed, I hear- well read, i dont speak japanese, the word bastard enough times for the day, and all that jazz) it's just that in the US when they dub they sugar down everything for kids..very annoying





You guys seriously need to grow up. I thought the topic was about Yu-Gi-Oh? If these guys are bothering you, don't give them the pleasure in saying something cute. Ignore them. They'll go away. Saying the F word and the A word isn't making anyone seem smarter. It looks like you guys have no variety in vocabulary. Sorry if it looks like I'm babbling or ranting, but I'm sick of the last two pages being like "F YOU, SON OF A B" So, do you want to put on your big kid pants and talk about Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever?


I think so.I just hate gx.Really,what's the point of it?Why couldn't they just make the normal series longer?





i agree. it completely destroys everything that made Yu gi oh special. its just boring. they cant think of any other monsters so they've just started categorising them. elemental heroes. and destiny hero whatever. its getting old fast. its soooo gonna end up like Duel Monsters the rip of tv show of yu gi oh. that didnt last very long did it?

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


In YGO GX they purposely made all the new GX cards as the futuristic replacing the ancient- some people like that, but oh I really really don't. Cybernetic themes aren't very interesting to me, all that robot crap isn't as creative as the old school things. And in the show none of the monsters have parallels, backrounds, or as much distinct themes like the orignals did. Like dark magician, DMG, blue eyes white dragon...the villains had themes and even that wasn't very interesting they were extremely cliche, very short lived too. I think that little Syrus boy has deck with a bunch of..vehicles or something? Not as interesting as mai's deck full of harpies and amazons, heh, it's just not as good. Cyber this, cyber that, and a bunch of heroes to put on top of it.

I remember I once caught an episode when Jaden and people go to Domino City as a field trip because it was Yugi's hometown. They met Grandpa, and when they asked where Yugi is, he said he was probably off on another adventure or something along those lines. My only comment on that is well, I, and surely a bunch of others would be much more interested in whatever adventure Yugi would be in now instead of a bunch of kids who simply aspire to be like him, no? Psh =P (yeah, I tried to get into it because there are people who really like this show and I wanna see if it is any good. Cute and charming at some points but overall it barely kicks @$$ like YGO did, the duels aren't even as good, strategies and combos are repeated so awfully..)


Juan, your just saying that because you know I'm right.

Fake Taco Died


Exactly. Juan is just a big fag with no life. But I think we have reached that conclusion already. But it's still fun to say.



Yugio reminds me of

Fake Taco Died


Either that, or these people are child molesters. No one else likes anime.

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"



I'm generally not into anime that much, Yugioh and Miyazaki films are the only one I care about. But gosh, poor anime, it's fricken japanese animated shows and you naive people treat it like it's some, I don't know, some viral cult thing done by crackheads or stoopid teenyboppers. Open your eyes, there are MUCH MUCH worse things worth trashing than anime. Well actually, I don't know why anime should even BE trashed, anime is anime, japanese animation, where are you guys getting at? Because you're not even being funny or anything.

"We're posting with a bunch of 12 year olds!
Either that, or these people are child molesters. No one else likes anime. "

You'd be surprised. Really,really surprised, anime fans consists a wide variety of people and that very much includes age, otherwise that was a really lousy joke of yours.


You spelled stupid wrong.

Juantgreloaded, "we are so far of doing that"?


"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


And...what relevance or point does that pertain to anything? If you seriously thought I spelled 'stupid' like that as an actual accident...heh wow OK, no comment.


What relevance or point does that pertain to anything? That doesn't make sense.

Hey, citypigeon, if you are going to use grown-up words, please use them correctly.

"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"


"Idiot Flakes"? You may be a *beep* retard. But I mean come on! You can come up with something better than that. You also need a tagline. Like: "Idiot Flakes", "It will give you rickets." Or something like that. But don't use Idiot Flakes. It makes you sound like? You guessed it. A retard.



relevaance, point, pertain = grown up words? hm, riiight. Anyway, are you that dense that you can't understand what I'm saying thus you must point out all of the spelling/grammatical errors in a person's sentence? I didn't think so, so why don't you contribute something to these 'discussion boards' instead of saying a bunch of inane stuff, because then I might as well purposely put a bunch of obvious grammatical errors on purpose just to pull your string and see how far you're willing to go, gosh it's the internet. =P



Lol, you're right, I forgot I used to post in the LOTR boards alot, where it was practically a breeding place for trolls...which is pretty much why I no longer post there anymore like I always did because too many of the same topics started by a bunch of trolls (And even if they're similar topics but not started by trolls there were so many you wouldn't even bother checking to see if it was actually a good discussion board)


Juan, I never respected you. The first time you posted on a board, you made fun of people. But how can a yuGio loving fag like you make fun of people? That's a mystery.

Fake Taco Died



Your offended. Your mexican, racist ass has been offended. You just really suck and I hope a Yugio monster comes and kills you.

Fake Taco Died



I shoved it up your ass.

Also, last time I checked, monkeys can't talk nor can they type. And they don't like tacos. Because they hate Mexicans. But then again, who doesn't?



"A small advice"?

Wow, you are smart, Juan. Get the *beep* off Bablefish. You sound like an idiot.

And citypigeon, I only point out your grammatical errors because they are so incredibly annoying. And I understand what the words mean, you just used them incorrectly. But that's what happens when you're in fifth grade. Yeah, I remember that stage of my life. I never watched Yugio, or any other stupid piece of sh!t anime. I'll bet you get beat up on the playground, right? That sucks. Talk it over with your dad. That's what he's for. Don't take out all of your anger on a Yugio message board.


"Hello Mister Talking Penis... How are you?"



We are not the same person at all. But you just keep thinking that.

You also sound incredibly gay when you use the word n00b. What a gay word. But what do ya expect from a gay kid?



wow. this forum turned into a pissing contest fast. hehe

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Nobody's pissing on this board. What the *beep* are you talking about?



Dude chill. i cant believe you dont know what that means. its not literal moron

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


*beep* you. you can't even spell moron correctly. you afraid somebody is gonna get made at you if you actually have the guts to spell out moron?



Juan is just mad because he is a gay mexican who plays with yugio all day.

Fake Taco Died



I don't look over my post before I actually post it, so that's where my fault comes in. I look at them now and of course there are lots of grammatical mistakes but I don't think I really care when I'm just typing things on some internet message board. And just because that sort of thing happens (Something that happens to everyone, it's called 'mistakes' get used to it, hun) don't go around assuming other people's age and the like (It sounds bad, but that's why it actually helps looking at other people's profiles before you go around mindlessly saying bull so you can pass yourself off as a, well, an idiot sorry) The age of chivalry isn't completely dead so I don't think boys go around beating up girls at the playground that much, whatever the age is, 'less of course you're talking about rape or something, hm.

Why are you on a message board for not only something you abhor but don't even know a crumb about? Unless trolling is your hobby, save the hate for things actually worth hating, that's a piece of advice


man you people arent even fighting about yu gi oh anymore. hahaha. taco and Jerry really have NO lives coz they have to fight with people about absolutly anything...

derrr you said "and" your such a *beep* idiot who cant think of anything better to say.

Geez. get lives.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Devil, your a fag for being on this board. You, like every other fag, like yuGio. Therefore that a also makes you a fag.

Fake Taco Died



You already said that. And yes, I assume you go to school, come home, play Yugio, then go to sleep. And you do that day-after-day.

Why you callin me an idiot? The only reason I rip on you for making grammatical errors is because after a while, it gets incredibly annoying. Most of the time I can't even understand what you're trying to say. If you weren't such a *beep* moron you would understand that.



just because we watch this show doesnt mean we live it every second of our lives. you just a morons with low self esteem who have to make fun of people who you havent ever met! shallow b@st@rds... why dont you go back to the Queer as Folk boards and join your "friends" huh.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Actually juan, it is getting annoying when you tell us to get a life. We don't play yugio or any other gay game like that. Also your a racist prick.

Fake Taco Died



YUGIO IS NOT INTERESTING!!!!!!! DAMN!! What the hell is your problem? Only fags play with yugio. It's a fact.

Fake Taco Died



you tell em juan. send that fag back to where he belongs. why cant you people understand that we DONT all have the same taste and i'm pretty sure Taco watching something we think is absolute crud.

Your all just fighting for no good reason so just stop. there is no point to it.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...



You tell em' Professor. Anyone who plays with cards that have monsters on them is just not cool, in fact it sucks. Juan, you really do suck and you should just give up at life right now.

Fake Taco Died



First of all, devil's innocence, what is "Ugly as Folk?" Sounds to me like you were trying to say *beep*

When you say you have a life watching anime all day. That means you watch TV a lot. Dude, you gotta get out man, go see cool movies, not gay movies, meet some girls. But the way you're going, no self-respecting girl will ever want to go out with a person who likes any kind of anime. That goes to all of you who like this crap. Even if you're a girl.

Why are you doing a script that involves us?



Dude, I AM i girl. Unlike you Jerry who just acts like a girl. I can act like a girl as much as i want coz, well, i AM one. whats you excuse? just because i like the show doesnt mean i come home from work every day and sit in front of it. Loser. Unlike you who has no life and the only life you have is the one were you sit in front of the computer and pick on people's tastes. and i bet that you watch a bunch of tv shows that i think are gay.
Get and life and get the hell of this forum.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


I suggest you do the same. You're a girl. You should be out every night.

And if ya didn't notice, I haven't been on this site in 2 days. I have been doing things that are more important than talking to a bunch of losers.



good. pi$$ off then and get the hell of this forum. go find yourself a boyfriend ya fag

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


im sick of trying to cover this up. i really do like this game. alot really.. but when i came on here so many people hated it that i wanted to be cool so i made fun of it.

i have every card made i think and i have bed sheets with the name. the girls love it! the 8 year olds that is.

He's back. Feb. 28 is when he registered. Look at his biography.


Jerry de Vinci and Taco-Maniac need to get the hell off this forum, because they are hurting their case.

And juan, come on. Are you so stupid that you cannot even construct a simple sentence? And how come every time you defend yourself you make yourself sound even dumber? Is that on purpose? Why are all your comebacks exactly the same? @$$hole. Oh my god! You can tell what that is supposed to mean, but you didn't actually say it! LOL!!! I'm joking it's not funny. ass hole. Can you read that? Do you understand? ass hole ass hole ass hole. You can type it. No one will get mad. You won't get in trouble. I promise.

But, I think you would rather look like a stupid, 12 year old, illegal immigrant. That's cool, I guess.

Look at you're ally, Yugio fans. He is the greatest definition of an idiot I have ever come across in my entire life.

Also Yugio really does suck.

Stay the hell off this message board, Jerry de Vinci and Taco-Maniac.

"Suicide: the funniest thing you could possibly commit" - Me


Ignore the fake bastard. Juan, you just admitted you are gay.

He's back. Feb. 28 is when he registered. Look at his biography.



First of all flibs, you can't tell me what boards I can and cannot post on.

Also Juan, I'd say that is more of a life than watching anime and playing with gay cards. At least he's getting an education out of it.




How? How does playing with stupid cards help you learn math? Gee, I play Need for Speed a lot; that really helps me with Spanish. That's how I study.



This isnt even about Yu Gi Oh anymore. hahaha

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Is that a problem for you missy?




yeah. OBVIOUSLY his tiny brain cant comprehend the fact that on a YU GI OH forum your ment to talk about YU GI OH... but yeah. he couldnt possibly understand that with an IQ as small as his.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...




How's that? Give me one goddamn example *beep*




Shut up.




Good comeback fag. Try coming up with something intelligent.




Juan, you don't know what an anomoly is, do you?

"Suicide: the funniest thing you could possibly commit" - Me



Reread what you just posted. Count the painfully obvious grammatical errors.

I didn't think you knew what anomoly meant. That's okay. A lot of people don't. Dumb people.

"Suicide: the funniest thing you could possibly commit" - Me


I don't know what it means.







Unfortunately for you juan, i outsmarted you. I just realized I can go back to my original post on my script and then save it to Word and keep pasting it on to here. So now no matter what, my script is never gonna go away. So deal with it you piece of *beep*



I don't always take Jerry de Vinci's side, but this time I have to. You look at everything he posts and then get them deleted? You say that we don't have a life. What you do is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of. What the hell is your problem you *beep* pansy? He didn't write his scripts for you. He wrote them for people with a sense of humor.

I don't know how anyone can possibly take your side without feeling bad about it. But, I have a hunch. Everyone you have allied yourself with is under the age of nine. They can't really read that well; that's probably why they don't comment on your horrible English skills.

I think you will go through life blissfully unaware of how stupid you really are.

I think I can predict what your reply will be:

Flicaca you are am a in the house of at inside a n00b also also include and a an @$$hole.

You're an idiot, Juan, and I lost patience with you. The arguments are no longer amusing.

"Suicide: the funniest thing you could possibly commit" - Me



hehe. this is great. like a soap opera.


The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Juan, lets talk about scripts sucking. Your horrible script not only sucked, but...well it sucked. Stop trying to sound so smart by using words the wrong way. Only use a word that you actually know unless you plan on sounding like an idiot.

He's back. Feb. 28 is when he registered. Look at his biography.




