Charles Dance?!

The IMDb mentions Charles Dance being uncredited as the Coroner. Is this a total cock-up or does anybody know which scene he's in?

Your fiance was only a third rate sailor - but a first rate second course


Total cock-up. The coroner, Lubezski, who is present throughout, is played by American actor Ron Berglas. He does look quite a bit like Charles Dance, which is where I suspect the confusion crept in. I'll submit an error report to the IMDb to get that amended.

Update: They've corrected the credits. Nice work, IMDb

Ladies of the Shadow Gallery:


I just watched this and I could have sworn it was Charles Dance, but I couldn't figure out why he was playing it with an American accent. I didn't see anyone listed in the credits as Coroner, and when I went to Dance's IMDB page Messiah wasn't listed. Thanks for clarifying that it wasn't him. This was driving me crazy. :)


At first I immediately thought of Charles Dance, but then remembered he's English. I then thought of Ron Silver, who also looked like Charles Dance. But he wasn't credited, either. So it's Ron Berglas, then. Charles Dance, Ron Silver, Ron Berglas... those three could be eachother's stand-ins.
