Why not just....

Solidus and Liquid work together? Since both of them hate and want to destroy the Patriots. As for Solid Snake well he can't join them because of some self-righteousness and Liquid doesn't like him him because he got all th dominant genes. I don't get it, Together they would've been unstoppable. What you people think?

"My clone brothers and I are called monsters, replicates of evil genes. You are one-of-a-kind... but still a monster shaped by a dark and secret history. We need to decide which monstrosity will have the privilege of survival" - Solidus Snake


I thought only Ocelot wanted to destroy the patriots and that's why he set everything up?

"Self Improvement is masturbation, self destruction is the answer."


Solidus wanted to destroy the Patriots.
"Liquid" (later to be revealed as Ocelot) wanted to take over the System.
Solid was really indifferent about the Patriots, he just didn't want "Liquid" to hijack the system.

And also, a common misconeption: Liquid had the dominant and Solid had the recessive.

"Believe me. I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience."


Yea see i knew that about the genes but i dont know how. I've just completed twin snakes last night and watched all cutscenes for old times sake, except for a few at the very end, and i saw the convo where liquid complains about having the recessive but where does it say otherwise?

"Hello? I just shot somebody, i did it on purpose!"


I believe after the credits Ocelot shows suprise to snake surving because he was the inferior one all along. I dont know if this is %100 accurate but i think its close to what he said.



There's room for only one SNAKE and one BIG BOSS. That's why Solidus and Liquid couldn't team up.
