Reasons Solid Snake kicks ass

1. He is the son of Big Boss- The greatest soldier ever, who in MGS3, was also a total badass
2. He has stubble, and can make a mullet look totally awesome (only if it has a bandana around it of course)
3. He smokes like the devil
4. He is a master of CQC and any weapon on this planet
5. His voice is so totally AWESOME (guess I should give that to David Hayter..)
6. He barely shows his feelings, making him the ultimate soldier
7. He can kick the living *beep* out of anyone with style

Keep Adding
The Day Uwe Boll makes a good movie is the day the Earth explodes



He does show his feelings - it is his beliefs which give him strength, not just his tactical skill. Liquid Snake was the stronger soldier, but it was because he wished to follow in the footsteps of Big Boss which led to his downfall - he was unable to escape his 'genetic destiny'. But Solid Snake had passion.

Thier is a huge difference between being the ultimate killing machine and the ultimate soldier.

He is the clone of Big Boss, along with Liquid and Solidus, and potentially 5 others from the Efant Terrible project (and potentially a continuous supply after that). Solid Snake was potentially the weakest clone - Liquid was the strongest.

but anyway,

8. He can destroy a tank with a few grenades
9. He can dodge bullets
10. If he gets hit, he flinches then carries on as usual
11. He can have a firefight with four opponents in an elevator with full automatic weapons and come out alive
12. He can casually slide accross a narrow platform suspended over a vat of molten iron
13. He can have a philosophical debate with someone over a thousand miles away, yet without being heard by an armed genome soldier standing a yard away
14. He is the only man ever to be able to go into a woman's toilet uninvited and give his reasons why he prefers his .45 over the Desert Eagle
15. He can go into enemy territory unarmed, yet manage to kill over 250 enemy soldiers, destroy a tank, a Hind, a nuclear launch-pad, pull a girl, and still have time to jetski at the end
16. He can evade the fire from a Vulcan cannon, yet still gets a cold if he stands outside for more than 5minutes
17. He can escape from prison with a bottle of ketchup
18. He can sneak through a room full of more than 100 armed US Marines without being heard
19. He can roundhouse kick more than 3 enemy soldiers at once



Note:Snake knows CQC.In MGS 1,it's mentioned by Master Miller(Liquid) that Snake is an expert in Close Quarters Combat.



How is Liquid the stronger of the clones? sure he got all of big boss's flawed recessive genes, solid snake got the good ones.


You obviously have not finished the game...anyways...

- He can run up an entire flight of stairs and survive against not only soldiers chasing him with automatic weapons, but soldiers awaiting him with automatic weapons...and take them all out.

- He can resist Mantis' mind probe without surgical implants in his brain.

- He has the balls to chase a metal gear RAY 100x his size.

- After doing 100 chin-ups, instead of being sore, he gets stronger.

- The older he gets the more, cool badass things he can do.

- Like with bullets, he can take a missle launched by REX head on, and as long as he had something to eat equipped, he will not die.

- He's survived FOXDIE this long, hasn't he?

"Believe me. I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience."


Snake has to know CQC, but we have yet to see him show some in the series.

Smiles, Lies and Gunfire


37) He's destroyed how many metal gears?

38) He knows what he's talking about.

39) Always comes through for everyone

40) Very cool voice.

41) Very athletic (Twin Snakes)

42) Philosophical

Okay, time for Plan D.


43) he can kick chuck noriss's ass
44) he can aim anywhere on a genome soldier and hit his head (MGS1)
45) even though he gets shot by a sniper he just gets up and calls
someone like nothing happend
46) He can kill a cyborg ninja with punches and kicks
"[email protected]"



47) he can have unlimited unprotected sex.


48. He, unlike most other action heroes, has a philosophy.

"A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!"
~Gray Fox


49. He's a musher.


3. He smokes like the devil

Smoking isn't cool.

Apocalypse Now


It's all a matter of perspective, I guess.

"A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!"
~Gray Fox


It's all a matter of perspective, I guess.


Apocalypse Now


guess what...............yes it is ...everything is

The Weekend Has Landed



Anything Snake does is cool, if he killed babies it would be cool

50) Rather than dodge large metal objects that are flying towards him he just blows them up in mid air

51) He can take out a russian gunship like its no more than a noisy fly

52) He can have a failing old mans body, get microwaved have the crap kicked out of him by a guy with a metal hand and still beat him to death with his bare hands

"Hello? I just shot somebody, i did it on purpose!"


Tom he doesn't beat him to death, Ocelot dies due to the new strand of FOXDIE the patriots gave him at the beginning of MGS4 (through Drebin.)


He jumped after a RAY as it jumped into the ocean. NUFF SAID

Forgiveness is between them and God, it's my job to arrange a meeting.


He's not a big fan of blades.

He'll give anyone free ammo and explain it by pointing to his head and saying "Infinite Ammo".

He always has an arsenal of weaponry including M4 Rifles and Stinger Missiles, but carrying it never slows him down. Actually it goes by unnoticed!

He stored Cigarettes in his stomach.

My vote history


"He'll give anyone free ammo and explain it by pointing to his head and saying "Infinite Ammo"."

