The Cigarettes are useless!

All they do is just decrease your health bar, what's the point of having them then?



If you don't have any pentazemine for the sniping parts you can use the cigs instead to steady your aim, also the smoke from them can highlight trip lasers that can set off alarms or syntics if you don't have the thermal goggles.


You've got good points there, and you can also message your colleagues via the codec in MGS1 and MGS2 (can't remember if Big Boss smoked in MGS3) and they'll scold you for smoking.

"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


(can't remember if Big Boss smoked in MGS3)
Yes, he did. Only he smoked a cigar. If you call Para-Medic while you have a cigar equipped, she scolds at him, too.

Who the hell are these Patriots? Are they human?
Not anymore they ain't! (MGS4)


Yes, he did. Only he smoked a cigar. If you call Para-Medic while you have a cigar equipped, she scolds at him, too.

Here's the transcript of that convo (Taken from the Metal Gear wiki

Para-Medic: Snake!

Snake: What?

Para-Medic: Are you smoking a cigarette?

Snake: Nope.

Para-Medic: Yes you are.

Snake: It's not a cigarette, it's a cigar.

Para-Medic: Same thing.

Snake: Not at all. In fact, there's a world of difference. There's nothing quite like the rich smell and mellow flavor of a cigar. And that thick, luxurious smoke is almost sensual when it...

Para-Medic: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. You know something?

Snake: Probably not, but I don't want to hear it.

Para-Medic: Well, you don't have a choice.

Snake: ...

Para-Medic: Cigarettes are bad for you.

Snake: It's not a cigarette, it's a...

Para-Medic: Quiet, you!

Snake: ...

Para-Medic: Smoking is bad for you. In a recent study, scientists found that tobacco smoke is full of carcinogenic substances, like nitrosamines. You know what that means? It means you're going to give yourself lung cancer if you keep on smoking.

Snake: But that's just what some scientists think, right?

Para-Medic: Oh, give me a break.

Snake: I heard it was just a bunch of hu-hah.

Para-Medic: Do you really believe that?

Snake: Sure.

Para-Medic: God, you're gullible. You ought to read this year's report from the Surgeon General. It proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that smoking causes lung cancer. Pretty soon the whole world will know that smoking is bad for you. Better quit now before it's too late.

Snake: But...

Para-Medic: And don't tell me cigar smoke is harmless because it doesn't go down into your lungs. It just means the cancer shows up in a different place.

Snake: ...

Para-Medic: Got it?

Snake: Yeah, yeah...

And here's a transcript of his convo with Sigint about Cigars

Sigint: Snake, you smoking a cigarette?

Snake: It's not a cigarette. It's a cigar

Sigint: Ah, same thing

Snake: It's not the same thing

(If Snake has already spoke to Para-Medic about the cigar) Snake: Why am I the only one who can tell the difference?

Sigint: Doesn't matter to me. What I want to know is, why'd you take it with you?

Snake: Because I need it.

Sigint: For what?

Snake: I can't smoke a cigar if I don't have one, can I?

Sigint: So you just wanted to smoke it?

Snake: Yeah.

Sigint: ...Man, you got problems. Do what you want. Just keep in mind that your LIFE goes down when you're smoking it.



They're Snake's lucky charm. It just wouldn't be Solid Snake without his trademark cigarettes!

But anyway, the cigs probably have no use in very easy or easy mode but in harder difficulties, they're very useful.

Who the hell are these Patriots? Are they human?
Not anymore they ain't! (MGS4)



Probably 'cause Snake wants Raiden to die.


Probably 'cause Snake wants Raiden to die.


You're an animal that thinks he's a man. - Jesse Custer


Also, I am about 95% sure they are a quick cure for your "colds" that you might get. Which stop you from sneezing and alerting nearby guards. Something about the tobacco slowing down mucus molecules or something. I dunno.

I think that's the hidden purpose of them.


"Also, I am about 95% sure they are a quick cure for your "colds" that you might get. Which stop you from sneezing and alerting nearby guards. Something about the tobacco slowing down mucus molecules or something. I dunno."

I don't wanna sound like an evil bastard, but you're dead right. I live in amsterdam, and I smoke the "devil's lettuce" when I have a flu. Guess what? It's gone by the time I've taken 3-4 hits.


You use the smoke form them to see laser beams

You See That ?!
They throwing cars how could i not see that - Bad Boys 2


smoking is cool and you know it

"Hello? I just shot somebody, i did it on purpose!"


Petra, why do you have do be such a dick about cigarettes and smoking? I saw you're other posts on other threads, and now see this. Did you have a family member die of cancer? Just wondering.

Smoking has it's pros and cons. If you don't have Pentazemin, you can smoke to stop the trembling when sniping. When there are lasers, you can use your cigs to spot them out with the smoke (Necessary if you don't have the Infared Goggles). In all but MGS1, Cigs can be used for light in dark areas (Trust me, after fighting Ocelot in MGS3, you need it). In MGS3, you use them to burn off those blood sucking leaches. Smoking also relieves your stress and helps you gain Psyche faster (in MGS4, and I believe 3) which is a huge help when playing on The Boss Extreme mode in MGS4, as you stress out like hell in the Peruvian heat (as well as the freezing temp at Shadow Moses).

They are actually pretty useful hehe.
