which metal gear do you think is better? i think they are both good. REX had the invisible nuclear missle, and RAY can swim and move around swiftly?


RAY was designed to be superior to REX in every aspect. so im gonna have to say RAY.


Ray may have some nice features, but is has three huge drawbacks.

1.It's weapons are more inaccurate.
2.It's armor is weaker than REX's
3.In addition to weak armor, it has a vulnerable spot that opens up any time it take damage to the leg.

So I'll take REX and wipe RAY off the map.

Assume I know what I'm saying.


I would have to mildly disagree. The RAY's being fought at the end of MGS2 were merely smaller and weaker "copies". Th RAY that Ocelot piloted was way stronger than the RAY's being fought by Raiden.

REX was a badass, but not nearly as tough as RAY. Come on, you saw the way RAY dived off the sinking tanker in the beginnng. That was a perfect dive.

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. Lick once and suck forever.


To be honest, I had that thought myself, albeit long after I posted last. The game gives no hard evidence to varify what you said, but I think you are right because they mentioned how the RAYs were mass produced and unmanned. Also, Solidus was able to penetrate its armor with the gun he was using, which is only designed to puncture Body Armor.

If indeed the RAY Ocelot stole is the real thing, I would LOVE to face it in the next game. With no weak spot trick.

Assume I know what I'm saying.


RAY was designed with REX in mind. REX wasn't designed with RAY in mind (of course it couldn't have been because RAY didn't exist yet). RAY was built to destroy REX, so that's what it would do.



They were designed around the same time... you can see models of them in MGS3, in Granin's office (the Russian most responsible for the MG models... he sent the blueprints and specs over to a friend in the U.S. who turned out to be Otacon's father).

But I do agree in RAY being and anti-Metal Gear model. REX was too slow and bulky.


Good point. Ray was designed to destroy all the immitation rex's around the world.

"I'm George Senior!"


In terms of fighting another Metal Gear, RAY is the choice seeing as it was designed to be an anti-Metal Gear vehicle. As far as taking on ground troops (or launching a nuclear strike for that matter) I would take REX. Raiden took on a whole army or RAYs with just a stinger. Snake had trouble enough with just one REX. Grey Fox had to help him out.


I would have to say RAY, just because it was created to me an anti Metal Gear that would "wipe the floor with the previous models." Also I love the design of RAY, it looks a lot better than REX in my opinion.


Okay Ray is an anti metal gear metal gear yadda yadda but REX just looked so much cooler!!!


I agree that REX looked cooler, but that doesn't mean shit. From what the game's story says, it would still be destroyed by RAY, regardless of how "pretty" it was.



I would have to say REX, but even above REX I like the original design in Metal Gear for MSX.

BTW did anybody notice that RAY has a strong resemblance to the Tatapolous version of Godzilla?



REX would beat the mass-produced versions of RAY, but in a showdown of the original RAY v. REX, I'd say RAY would be the 'key' winner.

Are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?


uhh, I think It was ment to sound like a T-Rex when it roared.
rex, all the way. for some reason, I always just assumed that ray was just primarily used to detect and destroy the 'invisible' nukes that rex fired.


I argee with Melioth (hay man) REX is better i mean it was tough for snake to beat REX on its own but Raiden manages to take out multiple RAY's that must mean that a RAY is weaker cuz we all know Solid (dave (Snake is and always will be thee ma.




well fighting REX in mgs was ALOT harder than taking on ten RAYs in mgs2...
so imma say REX is better


RAY units are designed to beat REX clones so RAY would win. RAYs just aren't designed to fight ground units, that's why Raiden kicks their asses so hard. If it was REX versus some ground units with stinger missile launchers, and RAY versus the same units, REX would perform better.




Hmm, hard to say. Yes REX is my favorite but his mobility isn't all that great and in a battle situation speed and mobility are just as good as fire power. REX tips the scale with its massive array of highly accurate and powerful missiles and that large rail gun. However, like the Shagohod, REX is easy to out-flank and that's where RAY would balance the scales. Although RAY has a "water pistol" (lol) it's a hydrolic cutter capable of slicing through anything and REX may have a problem. REX's only hope is a direct hit with that gun of his and quickly knock out it's bird-like counterpart.


i agree with chedsorr, i mean, snake had trouble just fighting one REX, not to mention REX killed one of the greatest warriors FOXHOUND ever had (Gray Fox), and Raiden took out multiple RAY's




For starters, only the original RAY would have even a tiny chance of "beating" REX in open combat. The mass produced, unmanned copies of Ocelot's stolen RAY wouldn't stand a chance. Either way, neither were designed for wading through battlefields.

RAY was designed by the Marines to be the 'next-generation' Metal Gear, to trump the Metal Gear's ability to launch nukes (ie. an "anti-Metal Gear"). That doesn't mean it was built to defeat REX (and other MG's being developed internationally) but to nullify it's nuclear capabilities.

REX is basically a walking missile silo. It can defend itself fairly capably, but it isn't made to strut around on some open battlefield and tango with tanks. It'd get blown apart. It's first and foremost a nuke launching monstrosity.

Likewise, RAY is an amphibious little frog of a Metal Gear, and all it seems to be built for is intercepting and stopping nukes. Sort of like a portable missile defense system.

(The Metal Gear series loves to personify the arms race into the forms of really cool, enormous, walking machines :P)

Neither are made for fighting. But REX would totally kick RAY's ass. :D


There wouldn't be much of a point for either in the real world, as a nuclear submarine can launch an undetected missile from anywhere in the world anyway.

But for the record, the original RAY, piloted by Ocelot, would win, as it was created to destroy REX units. The reason Raiden can take out multiple RAYs at the end of MGS2 is because a) they are mass-produced and weaker and b) Raiden has more training, albeit VR training, than Solid Snake.


one thing you guys are forgetting about the metal gears. snake fought hard against one rex, and raiden fought hard against multiple rays. this would make you assume that ray is inferior, but... look who was piloting rex. liquid was one hell of soldier and he seemed to be even better in vehicles then solid snake. (he shot down two f16 with a HinD!!) and the rays were powered by AI.



Has anyone considered the fact that there are actually 3 REX models, 1st there is the one fought against in MGS1 which had the nuke launcher, but in the same game they mentioned a second rex model that used a railgun (much like the one RAY uses) in place of the nuke...that makes 2, the 3rd model (actually models) are the huge number of clones and mass-production models that would obviously be weaker than the Original Nuke and/or Railgun model REXs. RAY was designed to defeat all of the dirivatives (sp?) of REX, meaning those mass-produced and clone models, not the original model destroyed by Solid. REX was designed for land use, RAY was designed for use in water, the real fight over land metal gear domanince (sp?) would have to be REX vs. Shagohadd....


there was only one Rex. The one fought in MGS had a railgun that launched a nuke. The metal gears that Ray was designed to destroy were just custom metal gears made from basic plans sold by Ocelot


The Railgun mounted on REX was capable of firing the nuke? Okay then my mistake. I understood what was said to mean that the one in the game was a conversion which replaced the Railgun with the nuke launcher. Well still the Army wouldnt just abandon the REX design, plus the design sold by Ocelot would make up the REX cloned versions, so if theres a need for RAY there became more than one...still the REX in the game had to be the prototype just like the RAY from the tanker, and RAY was designed for use against REX's clone right? Not REX it self....maybe Im reading too much into this...


REX is good for destroying city's and stuff.
RAY against Metal Gear's.
win = REX VS non-metal gear
RAY VS Metal Gear

lose = REX VS Metal Gear RAY
RAY VS non-metal gear


well put


Metal Gear Ray is mostly for defending arsenal gear aswell ya know.


Ray is better, but i like the name rex better



Most Recent:NotSoMadDave89


Forget either Rex or Ray, the Shagohod would just run them both over at over 300mph and awesome armour. Hahah!

Alright, joking aside, personally I would say that they're both pretty balanced out (Ray has the manouveribility, while Rex has the firepower), but wouldn't which is 'better' so to speak depend on the pilot of the Metal Gear? You can have an F15 taking on a MiG29, but at the end of the day it's down to both pilots' skill/experience and preparation on the day.

I don't really think the argument of how the boss battles were done (IE the metal gear vs player with stinger fights). I don't know how true this is, but I always got the impression that the Metal Gear weapons were designed for attacking more serious threat than infantry, like gunships, attack choppers, tanks, or other vehicles. Maybe even defend against other incoming missiles (countermeasures). I never got the impression that the Metal Gears were supposed to shine in infantry combat (way too big).

But if I were to choose, it would be Rex. Rex in MGS1 was always shown as a big threat, with its nuke launching capabilities and all that, while Ray was just shown as 'another metal gear design'. Don't get me wrong, it is a powerful piece of machinery, but wasn't taken nearly as seriously as Rex, which posed a bigger threat. Even the design, I mean I'm surprised Ray managed to balance itself on those little feet of his.


You have to understand why Raiden could beat the Ray's... He had to, the Patriots ultimate weapon wasn't RAY it was Raiden and Arsenal Gear, if they just killed Raiden then *beep* Also it was a way of altering genes, its so complex but don't think that raiden just beat 20 rays, it was all a set up.


yeah i can't believe that raiden was solidus' son that means sanke is his uncle!!! well ok he's not really his father but he did claim him for his own so in a weird way snake is his uncle. between REX and RAY, i would have to go with REX because it's invisible missiles.


Wait Wait Wait a minute lol
I'm sure Raiden is an orphan and Solidus took him in, can't remember much
pplz correct me if im wrong lol gd day all.


This is getting off-topic but Solidus killed Raiden's parent's and then took him in and raised him as a child soldier.


RAY is not a metal gear. REX is. RAY was built as the "safe-keeper" for the Big Shell project.


no, RAY was originally a metal gear, as designed by the Marines.
hence Metal Gear RAY.
and its still a metal gear afterwards, hence the president (i think it was him) saying "ironic that an anti-metal gear is guarding a metal gear"


That's strange, i read in a MGS 2 guide that it was a protector for the big shell which was the original metal gear, or so it seems to be the base for metal gear.


"Ray is the key" - Colonial Sergei Gurluckovich
