Metal Gear Solid 2: Analysis

before beginning this article of an analysis, I would like to praise Hideo Kojima for writing this highly detailed and prestigious masterpiece.

Okay, from what I saw, the premise of Metal Gear Solid is building technology and weapons that can result in the destruction of the world.
And with the design of technology, new forms of training, warfare and living conditions arise. In MGS soldiers go through whole simulated virtual reality training and dismiss field training. A smaller implementation in the real world to this is the military giving its soldiers Counter Strike to practice in on virtually.
What had happened in this universe that Hideo constructed is that a new model of weapons created called "Metal Gears" was built and also made publicly known. In effect, a number of "Rogue states" and countries had been replicating this weapon, the beginnings of its wave of emergence could of possibly had numerous reasons, such as power, image, leverage, economy, etc. With its presence being known, countries had been drawn into building their own.
And not only were they building these Metal Gears, being as dangerous as they are, they kept getting stronger and more dangerous.

With countries steadily rising to build their own Metal Gear, it comes about as a "New World Order". Now, the "New World Order" is not some magic word that defines a conspiracy theory, it's exactly what it says, look at the meaning of the words. In fact, you could most likely find at least 10 new world orders in past history. From currency, military, nuclear weapons, the digital age, government, etc.
Although ironically, this "order" triggers "anarchy". Just as in the cold war, those nuclear weapons were supposed to bring about "order" but were very close to a nuclear holocaust (resulting in anarchy).
This story had a lot to do with commanders that aimed to build their own nations with no money, no power, no major infrastructures, connections, only the power of ONE of the "WORLD ORDERS" -- the military.

Knowing this point, one of the main characters Solid Snake makes it his duty to sabotage these Metal Gears to preserve the safety of the future. One of the points Solid Snake was making was to change the future & to leave something behind for the next generation. the ACTIONS he did NOW and in the MOMENT caused the REACTIONS for the future.

Another point in Metal Gear is that it symbolizes very complex and over the top situations, some people may call these situations "impossible" or "magical", well nothing in Metal Gear was really hard to comprehend, they all followed logic & scientific execution, all quite possible.
From the codec, to the electronic field straying bullets, invisible shield (that's an easy one, lol), to Vamp having a possibility of nano machines running through his body or even having his biology being altered.
Remember, someone said once: fiction is supposed to make sense, life isn't. Hence the truth is stranger than fiction. Not too many people want to believe that, they suffer too deeply from post traumatic stress from the Santa Claus & Easter Bunny complex. Either that or their depressing & ordinary state of life & mind set is ruling over perception.
Speaking of perception, the main character's perception (Raiden) gets twisted; his memory altered, his imagination of events, his history broken into pieces, his sense of love & reality of his relationships. Raiden got to the point of not knowing what was real or not, Snake comforted him with saying "There is no such thing as absolute reality", and there's not, there's just perception.

Half way through the game, a ninja appears. And this ninja really brought forth a revelation in my eyes. During "Feudal Japan" ninja's were unorthodox lone soldiers who carried talents which include espionage, infiltration, sabotage and assassination. Raiden & Snake are both products of these characteristics & talents, so in point, both characters are modern day ninjas.

----------_____________________Just like to point out this isn't finished but I'm tired right now and need to go to sleep, so yeah. By the time it's done, it's going to be pretty long and I'll probably have the sentences structured more thoroughly.
--------- Until then!!!!!!!
----edit*** Sheeeeeittt, I really need to get on it (and I will). This *beep* is just fatiguing as hell, in due time tho! LATER

