what branch of militray

what branch of military do you think snake started in...

"[email protected]"


I think that's been mentioned before. I think they said he started in the Army.


From what I can remember, Snake started out as an Army Green Beret. If you remember the beginning of Snake Eater, he mentions that he had been with the green beret's, and as a result had forgotten much of his CQC he learned from the Boss.

However, he could have been doing something else prior to training with the boss.


well big boss army, but solid was marines....he says semper fi at one point


yeah, solid snake definitely started in the marines. master miller was his drill instructor, and only the marines have drill instructors - everyone else has drill sergeants.

also naked snake didn't start as a green beret. he was probably regular army when he was in korea.

baby can you dig your man?
he's a righteous man.


Most of the info I've read on Solid Snake, ... it always lists him as being a Green Beret before becoming a member of Foxhound which would be Army but then again, I've seen some of the things mentioned here which would make you think Marines so I don't know for certain ... I'll try to find info that came directly from the creater of MG. :)


The novelization and Peace Walker does imply that he was raised by the United States Armed Forces, so who says that he couldn't have served both at the same time?

Plus, if I remember correctly, Miller was referred to be his drill instructor during his days in FOXHOUND.


May I ask which novelization?


The Metal Gear Solid novelization by Raymond Benson.


Ok, thanks! ... that's what I thought you was talking about but I wanted to make sure. I actually have both books but I haven't read them yet. :)
