Liquid already knew... (spoliers)

that the foxdie in Snakes blood was going to turn him old? I was playing this (MGS2) the other day and during the part when Liquid takes over Ocelot he mentions snake only having a few years left, and how they took the samples from Big Boss when he was in his 50's and that liquid could live on thru Ocelot... so I'm assuming that was the foreshadowing for what happens to Snake in MGS4?

"Self Improvement is masturbation, self destruction is the answer."


liquid was never there


yeah liquid took over Ocelot in the boat part of MGS2 through the arm because Ocelot being the son of the Sorrow he was a spiritual medium, thus causing Ocelot to cut his arm off and get a robot one (after liquid invaded his mind). The part I'm talking about was Liquid talking through Ocelot to Snake.

"Self Improvement is masturbation, self destruction is the answer."


But I didn't think it was the foxdie that caused Snake to age quicker?


not exactly, Naomi explains in mgs 4 that it's his natural life span.

R.I.P. J-DILLA 1974-2006.


Foxdie has nothing to do with it but you've got the idea.

The Snakes care made to live short so that incase they ever get caught by another country, or defect, or do what Liquid did, they won't live too long. Made to be perfect soldiers, nothing else.


Actually, "Liquid" most likely knew about Snake's rapid aging problem, and I doubt he was actually attributing it to FOXDIE, since he himself stated that he "knew what it was like", which couldn't have been referring to FOXDIE, as his body died from it, so it had to be in reference to genetic deterioration.
