Original Plans for the Game

http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:Q6f5RlUqR4wJ:www.informa tik.umu.se/gru/kurssidor/2006/ht/infa44/ilib/ume/metal_gear_solid_2_gr and_game_plan.pdf+MGS2+grand+game+plan&hl=en&gl=au&pid=bl& amp;srcid=ADGEESiM0ovqEZoKN_QRH6k_unTTc6RjGxAdnvqHkG3f7iKGigrFg9HRNkFg kNKeLWRPtocyGtjRnNjuCzwwhgWbA4FgcqaJXA5cX7OGDZfILmelI5Ru7Ein95xPdwAXeE t77RpYZuve&sig=AHIEtbTE3BifK1mHWznkI8OyiN-rQbfHFg

As some people here may know, Kojima had a lot of plans for the game that were later scrapped or changed. Above is a trnslation of his original outline for the game. It's a shame some of these things never made the final cut, it would have been cool to fight Ocelot at the end!

Some really bizarre stuff in there too. Fortune playing a saxophone!?



I didn't acquire it! it's just up there on the website.


Awesome! "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."



At least we got the Snake/Ocelot fight at the end of MGS 4.
