Great film

Just commenting since no one else has in about 3 years.

This is truly a good film.


I agree this is a good film.



I just saw this film and i' suprised more people haven't commented on it. It's a good film. Well acted, interesting plot. I really enjoyed it. I just wish it was a bit longer. I wanted to see more of the romance between Hershey and Georgia.

Adam Lambert: The Next American Idol

Adamaniac #44


Bad film, bad acting...bad directing...just a piece-of-sh___t


That's your opinion. I thought this movie was underrated, it's tale of how it is for cabbies and the dangers for all of them when they're working late at night. Great film, Michelle Rodriguez kinda stood out to me the most, she was very good in here.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
