When Nate Flatlines

I just watched the episode when Nate comes out of the coma all right, but then shortly after flatlines while David is asleep next to him. While this is a very chilling and sad scene it's a little hard to believe. if he was hooked up to monitors and then flatlines and eventually dies wouldn't the hospital staff come into his room and try and revive him? And wouldn't this wake David up?


That's a good point. You would think that the hospital staff would do everything in their power to try and save one of their patients from the clutches of death, let alone show up.

Would you be so kind as to post the title of your post with a spoiler? I think we both agree when I say that we want other viewers to view and experience the show for themselves without potentially knowing what will occur.


Thanks for suggesting a spoiler alert. Unfortunately the other poster didn't follow your advice, and I came across this piece of info early in my watching the series for the first time (yes, as late as 2016!), and while it didn't completely ruin it for me, I could never see Nate in the same light again, and had this knowledge too present all the time. People should be more careful and never assume that everybody has watched some programme or film just because they're "old". Imagine posting details of the ending of Casablanca, where Rick and Louis realise they love each other and run away together abandoning Ilsa? It would detract from the whole movie to know this from the beginning! ;-) But, seriously, spoiler alerts as essential!
