Paging LOST Fans

Beatrice boards a Pan *Oceanic* aircraft.

She miraculously survives a horrific crash.

She finds herself on a strange and isolated island complete with weird monster. Hell, Iceland even LOOKS just like Oahu, both being of relatively recent volcanic origen...

She acquires unusual, nay supernatural healing & regenerative powers (which the monster has long had).

Her life goes to s^^t upon returning to the real world.

AHEM. I could go on, but I'm starting to wonder just how much the writers of the LOST series were drawing from this obscure Hal Hartley classic. Is there some closer tie-in I'm not aware of? Or is this just another LOST mind game???


Feels like a stretch to me.


Oceanic is just a generic, 'this plane is going down', airline used in lots of movies. Obviously most real airlines wouldn't want to be portrayed in a dodgey light.
You wouldn't board an Oceanic flight, just as you wouldn't choose to vacation in Castle Rock, Maine.
