MovieChat Forums > No Such Thing (2002) Discussion > Ron Pearlman as the Monster

Ron Pearlman as the Monster

Does anyone think that Ron Pearlman would have done a better job as the monster?


Your question is wrong and disrespectful. This whole movie holds on brilliant performance of Robert John Burke. I think it would be a cult classic for many in the years to come.


"Your question is wrong and disrespectful."

What? There's nothing disrespectful about that at all. How is a question "wrong"?


Nooar - calm down. Roland is just asking a question.


Well, although Mr. Pearlman has done some memorable performances as a monster I must say I just loved Robert John Burke in "No such thing". I don't think anyone could have made a finer performance. Perhaps as good (although not likely) but never better!


first off, his name is Ron Perlman, not Pearlman, and secondly, Robert Burke is fan-freaking-tastic as the Monster. And Sarah Polley rules. And No Such Thing is good, but I'm partial to either Surviving Desire or Henry Fool when it comes to Hal Hartley. What do you guys think?


I think that I love Hal Hartley movies. But, more importantly, I love monsters. And since this is a Hal Hartley movie about a monster, it will always win. But only by a little.

*sigh* nobody's gay for Mole Man...


As great as Robert Burke was, I think you might be on to something. Ron Perlman would have made a great monster, but since he didn't play the role, there isn't any real way to determine how it would have turned out.


quit effing type casting ron perlman as a beast you dolt. he is a dashing gent.


Only Gabby Hayes could've played it better.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


ron perlman would have made a good fit for the "sadistic, repulsive" side of the monster, but Burke better compliments the "intelligent" side as well as the other 2 characteristics.


Yeah, I love debating casting chooses on horrible,
pointless movies. Anthony Hopkins couldn't have
saved this one.


Shouldn't the peebrain who started this discussion be at a wretched spiderman or lord of the rings movie.

Who let you out of the basement, rolad?


Yeah, Richie. Gotta agree. Perlman wasn't intelligent @ all as Vincent--was he?

Carpe Noctem


Can't say that I agree with the insinuation that Ron Perlman can't project intelligence. Even made up to the max in his Hellboy incarnation he exudes both intelligence and depth. He is a very capable actor whose skills have still not been tried completely. Mentioning him as a possible monster is certainly not an insult to the part nor the material. It's amazing how some people go so nuts when all that is asked is an opinion.


Hal's next film is a sequel to Henry Fool. It follows Parkey Posey's character as she travels to Europe trying to find out if Henry has been killed.

Terrorists, intrigue Hal Hartley style


I just watched the movie last night with my friend for the 1st time and all i could think about was how awesome ron perlman would have been as the monster. i didnt think i would be the only one that thought that.


Robert John Burke was phenomenal as the monster. As many actors have stated in interviews, it is hard to emote through a mask, extensive makeup and prosthetics. But Burke made it seem effortless. It was painful watching his character get beat up in NYC.

I'm also a big Perlman fan, but after Beauty and the Beast, Blade II and Hellboy, it seems almost cliche to cast Perlman as a monster (though this movie came out two or three years before Hellboy and before Blade II).


Burke was awesome. I haven't seen much of his work outside of "Rescue Me," and he's great in that. (Wasn't too impressed by "Thinner" but that might have been the fatsuit.)

I loved his "rampage" in the beginning, when he steals some drinks, lights a guy's shoes on fire, and lifts up the side of the shack, but doesn't really do any harm. Even when he tells the old woman to f#ck off.


two words...mickey rourke (j/k)

puzzling film


I think the original poster should be hung by his thumbs! And by the way the only real actor for the monster part would be Woody Allen!



Yeah. Cos he's like the only actor I trust to play freaks. What is wrong with you?



I get to add my 2 cents. How about William Forsythe? Now THERE's a great character actor. And, since there was no "monster" in this movie really...just a character, he could have been considered for the part.

However, I don't care WHO played that part, no one could have done it better than Mr. Burke. His eloquence, voice timbre, timing, delivery, and movement were all just perfect. And WHO ELSE, please tell me, CAN BREATHE FIRE THAT WELL???????

OK OK Dennis Leary but only when he's drunk...wait yeah that monster was drinking a ton. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....maybe Leary would've been good. :^)

Great flick. Don't watch it unless you like indies. Or interesting offbeat films. Helen Mirren was GREAT. Did not sound Brit at all. I didn't even notice she was speaking non-Brit until well through the film!

I do think Roger Ebert should have played one of the monster's victims.


I dunno, but when I watched Hellboy, I noticed that someone says "There is NO SUCH THING as Hellboy". I thought at the time that it must have been a direct reference to this film.


he would have been great!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
